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Grammatikibersicht Summary of grammar A Ubersicht tiber die Satzgliedstellung Word order I. Das Verb und seine Erganzungen. The verb and the other main parts of a sentence In German the verb is the central element in a sentence. The other main parts of a sentence introduced in the first part of this course are: The subject The complement The direct object N WER Die Nominativ-Erganzung / The subject Every sentence has a subject. It can consist, for example, of an article and noun, @ proper noun or a pronoun. 2. Die Qualitativ-Erginzung / The complement A complement is a word, or group of words, which completes the sense of a sentence. It is used after verbs which do not take a direct object, for example, the verb sein (to be), or heif&¥en (to be called). Nominativ-Erganzung Qualitativ-Erganzung Subject Complement Ich neugierig. Das schlimm. Herr Meier miide. Er chaotisch. Menschen seltsam. Du unhdflich. Das Zimmer frei. Andreas Schafer Portier. Die Hotelchefin Frau Berger. Das ein Lied. When asking a question about the subject of a sentence, the interrogative pronoun wer? (who?) is used to refer to people, and was? (what?) to refer to inanimate objects. 107 3. Die Akkusativ-Erganzung / The Direct object Certain verbs take a direct object. In the first series, these are: anrufen haben. mégen suchen. bestellen — horen nehmen schreiben bleiben kaufen probieren spielen brauchen kennen putzen. stéren einladen —_kosten rauchen, studieren essen lesen recherchieren tinken finden. lieben sagen uberlegen fragen machen sehen verkaufen glauben meinen singen verstehen. zeigen Nominativ-Erganzung Akkusativ-Erganzung Subject : Direct Object Die Frau eine Bluse. Herr Meier ein Zimmer. Frau Berger einen Salat. Andreas seine Kassetten. Er sie. To ask a question about the direct object of a sentence, the question word wen? (whom?) is used to refer to people, and was? (what?) to refer to inanimate objects. Il. Satztypen: Aussage- und Fragesatz Types of sentences: statements and questions Sentences can be divided into three types: 1. statements: 2. questions: a. with an interrogative pronoun: b. without an interrogative pronoun: 3. commands or requests (imperative): ‘The position of the verb: Das ist Andreas Woher kommt er? Was macht er? Ist noch ein Zimmer frei? Bleib zu Hause! I Ina statement, the verb is the second element in the sentence. I: In a question without an interrogative pronoun, and in a command, the verb is the first element in the sentence. Andreas Schafer. aus K6In. } statement Reportagen. 7 question introduced ee } by an interrogative pronoun 108 0 du gliicklich question without nochein Zimmer ¢ an interrogative frei? (pronoun zu Hause! i i : erative Sie mal! } pnpeaare Il. Die Position der einzelnen Satzglieder The position of individual parts of the sentence 1. im Aussagesatz /in a statement a. This is the normal word order: Nominativ-Erganzung Erganzungen Subject Complement/Object/ Adverbial Phrase Ich miide. Dr. Thiirmann aus Leipzig. Frau Berger genau das Buch. Du das doch. emotive. b. Sometimes the word order can be reversed, i.e. the predicate can precede the verb if this requires special emphasis. This often makes a statement more e.g. Frau Berger, expressing delight, says: Andreas, expressing annoyance, says: Akkustiv-Ergiinzung Nominativ-Erganzung Direct Object Subject Genau das Buch ich! Das du doch! 2. Die Satzklammer / Word order in sentences which contain a modal verb or a separable verb. a. Modal verbs: the modal verb is the second element in the sentence, and its dependent infinitive is in final position, e.g. Herr Meier méchte noch eine Nacht bleiben. b. Separable verbs: the separable prefix is in final position, e.g. Dr. Thiarmann reist morgen nach Berlin ab. 109

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