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(Walks onto stage and mumbles while reading a book) Mmm. ok, ok. mm. (Looks at audience) Oh hello!

My name is Niels Bohr and wellthis book Im reading its not quite accurate in how It describes the way matter is built. (Takes two steps forward) I understand you are here to meet me. Yes? Not many people have heard of me or my name. So I go into this meeting of fellow scientists and they say Hello Neil and I say Its Niels and they say yes, yeswhat have you been researching lately? I tell them about the quantum atom and how it is a building block for everything in the universe. I get many blank looks, just as I am now! Back at school I wasnt very bright but I loved to play football, just like my brother. He loved to play football too and even won a silver medal at the Olympic games! But enough about him. You probably think Science is boring. But I think it is amazing and very worthwhile. I studied at the University of Copenhagen but because that university didnt have a physics laboratory I had to use my Dads laboratory but I still won a Nobel prize in 1906 for the science of my measurement in surface tension of water. This was a turning point for me as I was going to study Philosophy but after winning the Nobel Prize I realized science and experimenting was what I love to do. My work led to the theory of atomic structure. This was wanted by many scientists and countries around the world especially around war time. The theory of atomic structure remains valid to this day.

I was in great demand as a scientist because of my knowledge. In 1943 I was to be arrested by the Germans but my family and I fled to Sweden in a daring escape from the Germans. We went in a fishing boat to Sweden. Later the English authorities sent a mosquito plane over to fetch my family and I, and brought us to London. Later in London I joined the race to invent the atomic bomb before the Germans could uncover the secrets required to create it. It was a race against the clock because if the Germans invented this technology first, many people could be in danger. Life was difficult in my latest years as I made no secret of my anti Nazi feelings. You probably have not heard of this weird name, Tube Alloys. Tube Alloys is a funny name but it was the code name of the secret British nuclear program. I even met Wintson Churchill, the British Prime Minister. The British had me work on the development of Nuclear power. I have a lovely wife and 6 sons. They were so important to me. I was so sad when 2 of my sons passed away; one died in a terrible boating accident and another with meningitis. But I am so proud of my other son, Aage, who like me, won a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1975. The legacy I would like to leave is that Atom technology is used in so many ways today. That makes me very happy. I hope you agree that Physics can be fun and we scientists can achieve great things.

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