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United States Patent 11» Salvi et al. [54] RADIO HAVING A SELF-TUNING ANTENNA, AND METHOD THEREOF US006081700A_ uy) Patent Number: 6,081,700 [45] Date of Patent: Jun. 27, 2000 5423070 611095 Vaianen et 3458099 098 Covel Eres prerep {908 Kromet “gsii801 S008 Nowicn “ssn Primary Examiner—Reinbard 3. Eisenzopt Assistant Examiner—Darnell R. Armstrong, ‘Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Daniel K. Nichols; Charles W. Bethards (57) ABSTRAC’ A radio (100) includes a receiver eiteuitey (106) for use in conjunction with a tunable antenna (101), The radio includes 4 controller (122) which may be 4 digital signal processor. The controller (122) controls various radio functions includ- ing tuning of the antenna (101), measurement of the quality of received signals, and generation ofa test signal. The radio is capable of generating a test signal on a desired frequency, which is radiated within the radio, received at the antenna (101) and then processed by receiver circuitry (106). Its ‘quality is then measured andl used to control the tuning of the antenna (101). The test signal generated by the controller (122) can be mixed up to the desired frequency by using one ‘or more of the local oscillator signals of the radio. 17 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets 12 [75] Inventors: Raul Boca Raton; Gustavo D. Leterovich, Miami Takes, both of Pa [73] Assignee: Motorola, Inc., Schaumburg, Ill. [21] Appl. No.: 08/767,659 [22] Filed: Dec, 17, 1996 (31) Hos 118 i321 “set9a8, S57 44552201; 15580 (58) 4551671, 074, 4532061, 3963, 3963, 1984, 1984, 198. 340, 25), 2341, 330 [56] References Cited PATENT DOCUMENTS 4384305 61982 Moore 45530 octsIh en cone soe She saset Gane easat ites Mi ta ne Shige bos Guia Sime , ‘or; 1 ; 113 ae : Shs] f 2 105) + 124 | 423. a SYNTHESIZER: 103, 192 USER INTERFACE 130 122 MEMORY, t p139 c£ 4 a CONTROLLER 131 6,081,700 Sheet 1 of 2 Jun, 27, 2000 US. Patent le a AYOWSW YATIOWLNOD za7 3OWaUSNI okt | uasn : 92b ; ay Y3ZISSHLNAS ‘ yaiaia ‘ Nez ‘ ‘ ; ; ; ; i 1 ' > 1 per7 oz on ; USS. Patent Jun. 27, 2000 Sheet 2 of 2 6,081,700 134

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