MC0067 Spring Drive Assignment 2012

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Spring 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester II MC0067 Database Management 4 Credits

(Book ID: B0716 & BO717) Assignment Set 1 (40 Marks) [Each Question carries 5 Marks] BOOK ID: B0716 & BO717 1. Write about: Linear Search Collision Chain

With respect to Hashing Techniques 2. Write about: Integrity Rules Relational Operators with examples for each

3. Write about: Three Level Architecture of a database Services of a Database System

4. Explain the SQL syntax for: Table Creation with constraint imposing using an example Functions Count, Sum, Average with appropriate examples

5. Compare and Contrast the Centralized and Client / Server Architecture for DBMS. 6. Taking an example Enterprise System, List out the Entity types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys 7. Illustrate with an example of your own the Relational Model Notations 8. Consider a University Database System and develop the ER Conceptual Schema diagram i.e. E-R Diagram for the same

Spring 2012

Master of Computer Application (MCA) Semester II MC0067 Database Management 4 Credits

(Book ID: B0716 & BO717) Assignment Set 2 (40 Marks) [Each Question carries 5 Marks] BOOK ID: B0716 & BO717 1. Write about: Physical Storage Structure of DBMS Indexing

2. Write about: Application Logic One Tier Architecture Client / Server Architecture

3. Write about: Basic Constructs of E-R Modeling E-R Notations with examples

4. Write about: Types of Discretionary Privileges Propagation of Privileges using Grant Option

with appropriate examples for each 5. Describe the following Association Rules: Classification Clustering

6. Write about: Categories of Data Models Schemas, Instances and Database States With an example for each 7. Taking an example Enterprise System, List out the Relationship types, Relationship sets and roles 8. With an example show that Serializability can be guaranteed with two phase locking

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