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AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY OR The story of my experiments with truth-

This book covers the life journey of M.K Gandhi right from the childhood and it is an influential book. M.K was a charismatic leader who won independence for us and was set as a leader worldwide. His vision and philosophy of non violence known popularly as satyagraha has influenced many movements till date. Truth was the foremost principle and millions of thought.All his chapters tells how he has to fight for truth. One can imagine how a single person live with only one word that is truth because he considers it as ultimate source of energy. All his chapters tell us how he has to fight for truth.One can imagine how a thin man like him can live with only one word that is truth because he considers it as ultimate source of energy. If we read his chapters we will understand that gandhiji believed simply in doing duty irrespective of any reward as good action is bound to bear fruit.The quality of self sacrifice is well illustrated how he took a policy for his wife and children for the future. Gandhiji truely fulfilled the duty of a father towards his brother with full devotion without any impurity though he stopped his communication with gandhiji. Gandhiji always experimented with new ieas especially the treatment which he adopted to relieve from constipation by earth treatment which yielded good results. His belief in truth was inevitable as he strived for truth he attacked the wrongdoings of system but he didnt believe in attacking the person which formed the base of ahimsa. I truely agree what gandhiji wanted to convey that we all are the children of mother creator and harming to a single individual is like harming to everyone. He never discriminated people on the basis of caste, creed and religion.Overall his qualities such as non violence, celibacy, non possession and other cardinal virtues have impacted my mind strongly .

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