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Computer Science and Numerical Analysis CS-220 Spring 2012

Due Date: 05/03/2012 Assignment # 2:

Note: You are encouraged to talk to other people about these problems, but please write up the solutions by yourself. Always explain the answer in your own words; do not copy text from the book, other books, Web sites, your friends homework, your friends homework.

1. Draw the flow chart of followings (a). Library Management System? (1) (b). N! (N Factorial) (1) 2. Write programs to do the following (a). Input an integer representing seconds from the user and convert it into hours, minutes, and seconds. Use / and %. (b). Assign the integer 12345 into a character variable. What warning does the compiler give you, and what is the output when you print the character? Why doesn't the same value print as a character and an integer? 3. What is the value assigned to v3 in the following program? #include <iostream.h> void main() { int v1=7, v2=5, v3=0; v3=v1* (v2=6); cout << v3 << endl; }

4. Why doesn't the following program compile? (Explain the error message) #include <iostream.h> void main() { int v1=7, v2=5, v3=0; v3=v1* (v2=6; cout << v3 << endl; }

5. What is the output of this program? Why? #include <iostream.h> void main() { int stop = 0; while (stop = 0) { int blah; cout << "Give a value " << endl; cin >> blah; if (blah > 17) stop = 1 } } 6. Correct the errors in the following program #include <iostream.h> void main() int sum= value=0; char stop = 'n'; cout << "Give an integer for n, the number of values you will input\n"; int n; cin >> n; for (int i = 0; i <=n && stop='n', i++) { cout << input integer (i+1) << endl; cin >> value; sum += value; cout << "The sum so far is " << sum<< " Do you want to stop now?(y/n)" << endl <<; cin >> stop; if (stop == 'n') then i = n; } cout << "The final sum is " << sum << endl;

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