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CONFIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE BRIEF ON OEMOCRATIC Movi Core Strategy Team: Prof Edward Oyugi Akon Prot. Pattick Wanyande Prot. Lary Gumbe Mr. Adams Olen 1. Purpose 10 To ensure that the Oy 190 range Democratic Lined and focused throughout the rater 2.0 To ensure that Hon, 3.0 To ensure that post 8th September, 2007 alla Amolo Odinge is elected the fourth resident of i Kenya in succession to the curren{ President Mwai Kibaki le ctions OOM secures an absolute majority of partiame the lenlh pauiament to facilitate the esre er {he intended constitutional refenne 2. Preamble 2.0 The just cor competition within and overarching su a As amen presidenc, luded ODM. Presiden nial nominati » the ODM ranks will Hon, Rails 3s the Candilate’) emerging as the Paily's presidential torch bearer. 1 Mnber of the Luo community Hon, Rail y in Kenya This document is intended to provi etiods leading ey notes the chatong P to the presidential He and obstacles hi orl extended towards the Can ANO MARKETING OF THE ORANGE NT & “THE PEOPLE'S PRESIDENTS Hon. Raila A.Odinga mek Peter A. Nyong'o, Secretary Gener ihe Republic of lentary seals in ONS have ended the speculation and mola Odinga (hercinaiter retened Ig he enthusiasm ndidate have debunked the myth that ie the conceptial guidelines and re; i elections set likely to contion | for December 2007, '1 Odinga is not electable to the racimap for the This document nt the Candidate. These inckacie {len Kalonzo Musyoka's potential to play spoiler, i +S The involvomentiote of ex: Country-Wide political network, + Kiba in + The finan slrty og towing Pages oultine a stategy for overcomin lounbeney and trac ck record Hon. Raila Odinga and ODWin the Decontag elections, to play rough and 9g the odds and delivering the presidency to ‘OMFIDENTAL Strondths ¥ Hon. Raila is charismatic and ambitious ¥ Kenyrns appreciate hin as a fearless crusader for Wulh, justice ancl domacrary ¥ Has no publicly debated allegations of corruption Great crowd pullerimobiliserfentertainer ¥ Descends trom a legendary family ¥ 100% devoted following of the Luo community Recognized as the individual best credited with the incumbent election to President in 2002 Won the 2005 Constitution Referendum Anchored by hibat chiots with the potential fo draw nult-ragional support Opportunitios in down Mwai Kibaki on tis 2002 promise to he a one-term president Capitalize an matiers celated to the dishonoured MoU of 2002 Take advantage of Mwai Kibak's faziness and laid-back attitude Exploit anti Kikuyu sentiments Leverage the vulnerability of the tba axlministration’s response to conuption matters such as the Anglo-leasing and Goldenberg scandals. Scize this ‘oppostunity ta content hin with a powerful anti-corruption ramipaign age Billo the £1300 stashed away by Kanu leaders 4 Avlur brothers and thelr raid on the Standard Group, 8lh September, 2007 Weaknesses Limited understanding on economic matters Has been faulted as having exhibited a knack for politicat party relationship omadism Association with the Com Potential for linkage to under. development in Nyanza The 1902 coup Actimanious parting of ways with \Wamalva (Luhya, Western), Moi {Kolenjn, Rit Valley, Khaki (Gera, Mt Kenya region) and Kalonzo (Kamba Eastern) Matters surrounding corruption allegalions related to the Molasses plant, Kisumu and implications of ortuplion as alleged in the Ndungu Report The ‘The Candidate's religion aril perceived slale of religinsity {he public's porrention of the Candidate's Communist Kibera in his Langata constituency is the least developed and most volatile area of Nalrobi Damage incurred from Hon Ruto's recardeu! statements on the Candidate's unelectabiity ‘The Canuidate's potential for ad-hoc and inupovised statements CONFID 8th Seplember. 2007 DEDUCTION Based on the above SWOT, a The Candidate's Strengths and Opportunities significantly outweigh his Weaknesses, b The CandidalelPaity’s victory Is imminent should we ‘recreate and mainlain the euphoria achieved during the 2005 Constitutional oferendum and in the last General Election, RECOMMENDED ACTION PI Ll Ihe Grand E: As eatlier agreed, in order that our candidate's campaigns Commence with impact, itis necessary thal he exil Kenya to lay foundation for a qrand home-coming similar to Maliba’s in 1992 and Kbakis in 2002 Whereas the party has identified areas such as Nigeria and the Middle Fast as regions of interest, itis recommenced that the Candidate focus on Europe and the United States (where ihe Diaspora is active) for this purpose. A lengthy absence will starve the country of Ion Raila and stimulate an outpouring of adoration that will fake us to victory HW IGkuyu Alienation Owing {a this strategy’s success during the 2005 referendum, itis the party's position it should be uiiized once more:far the General Election. ‘There is an overwhelming feeling among the non- Gema communities thal the Kikuyu are selfish bigots dedicated lo a vibal hegemony who will fever shatw the spoils of government with other communis, Underpinning this strategy is the blessing thal the ODM campaign has able regional pointmen in Mudavadi, Rulo, Balla, and Niniama who can elficently galvanize their respective communities. around the anti ikuiyt Iniative, Concurrently, every effort must be made fo Undermine Kalanzo in order to prevent hint from emerging as an altemiative avenue for anti-Kikuyu sentiment. In this regard. parliculey caullion should be placed on regions such as the RVP where Kalonzo has the potential of attracting some of our voles, Anti-Kikuyuism must be reinforced wilh promises of jobs anc! fecononne gains to key players from every comunity supporting this initiative, 1 UUs possible fo tigger a class war by painting the Kibaki Goveinment as an insensitive, unearing group of Mulhaiga Golf clubbers. Available research also suggests that this strategy could als resonate with poor Kikuryu youth who feel economically marginalized by their own government As part of this strategy, the parly shout! seek to elevate emotions within all youth constituents who may, if successful, be willing to vale for uy in protest, Visible signs of Class disparity will provide important fodder for this theme, Pi ql is absolutely essential that throughout this campaign, Raila remain aligned lo Western countries {such as the United States) in arder to lake advantage of the deteriorating relalionsin between them and Kibaki, OOM can expect boll financial and political support particularly. from the United Stat e 2 ‘his being the contest of a lietine, te patty should employ all available means to ensure a victory, Subietranean ‘campaigns wil therefore form a cttical component of or selves Conuption in the Kivakl Government. the mess of Kibak's domeste etvation and Ue soap opere othe Aur brothers provide ready material forts wa

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