Grammar Test Module7

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Tcnico de______________________________________________________Ano lectivo de 2011/2012


Module 7 Young people and consumerism

1.Rewrite the complete sentences using the adverb in brackets in its usual
a. He drives his car. (carefully)
b. We went to the cinema. (yesterday)
c. Her boyfriend will buy her some flowers.(probably)
d. They just want to sit. ( in the caf; peacefully)
e. She goes shopping for clothes. (every month; usually)
f. He doesnt play tennis. (always)
g. She has finished reading the novel she started. ( yesterday; already)
h. We will go. (there; tomorrow evening)
i. I dont sleep. (always; well)
j. Mary is at school. ( usually; at this time of day)
1. Write each pair of sentences as one. Use the words in brackets.
a. My father gave me some money. I need to buy a new calculator. (so that)
b. We all sat down. We needed to rest. (to)
c. I got up early. I didnt want to miss the train. ( in order not to)
d. Jake always takes the bus to work. He doesnt spend much money.(so as not to)

e. The driver stopped. The children wanted to cross the road. (so that)
f. Mike is going to London. He wants to learn English. ( in order to)
g. He does gymnastics in the bathroom. He wants to keep fit.( in order to)
h. She tried on the shirt. She wanted to see if it fitted her. (to)
i. He took a taxi to the airport. He didnt want to miss the bus. ( so that)
j. He is looking for a second job. He wants to make some extra money.(so as to)

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