Victim's Testimony

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Jennifer Schwirzer, LPC

1103 Cromwell Rd. Wyndmoor, PA 19038 To Whom it May Concern, October, 14, 2011

As a volunteer for The Hope of Survivors, a ministry dedicated to prevention of clergy sexual misconduct, and a private practice, licensed professional counselor, I took it upon myself to correspond with Nanpida (pseudonym), the young woman with whom Samuel Pipim had a moral failure which led to his resignation. It is our belief that Dr. Pipim is not presenting this event in an accurate light. We have worked with Nanpida to develop this statement, which we believe reveals that Dr. Pipim actually violated this young woman, taking advantage of both his position of authority and her vulnerability. This is Nanpidas story: Like so many, Nanpida suffered some trials and difficulties before her conversion at 19 years of age, which left her with wounds that didnt disappear right away. Some of the wounds even caused her to doubt her conversion. In January of 2011, Dr. Pipim came to Botswana for a series of lectures. Nanpida participated in organizing the event. Wednesday, January 19th, after Dr. Pipims evening lecture, Nanpida asked if could speak with him. She told him of her problem. He said he didnt want to rush her through the discussion and invited her to his hotel room. Friday, January 21st, she went to visit with him in his hotel room after the morning session. When she got there she gave him a fuller explanation of her problem. This was the first time shed shared her deep personal secrets with anyone. He consoled her by reading some Scripture and sitting next to her. He later hugged her, but the hug was prolonged and she noticed that he was sexually aroused. She was so shocked by this that she told herself that it was imaginary. He then persuaded her to sit on his lap where he continued sensual touching. He carried her to his bed, where he made her lie down. He said he wanted her to stay but had another couple coming for counseling. She was relieved that she could then leave. He asked her to come back that afternoon, but she declined. He then suggested that she sleep over. She declined this also. Nanpida left the hotel room confused, blaming herself for Dr. Pipims sexual advances. This is a typical behavior of abuse victims. That night he conversed with her again, mentioning a sermon from the previous week, which shed missed. He urged her come back to his hotel room to get the CD of the sermon. Obviously he could have brought her the CD. The next day, Sabbath, January 22nd, she suggested that she get the sermon CD from his hotel room during the lunch break. This became impossible due to delays. After the evening session he told the chaplain of Botswana University that he wanted her to come get the CD at his hotel room. The chaplain agreed. Dr. Pipim then told Nanpida the chaplain would be coming to pick up the CD, so she went, assuming shed be returning with the chaplain. But when they arrived, he secretly

told the chaplain that she could return home by cab. In this way he secured alone time with her. Once in the hotel room, he offered food and a shower, which she declined. He offered her a t-shirt to sleep in, but she declined this also. She felt obligated to stay, and drifted off to sleep. He came to her after some time and began to violate her. She reasoned with him, questioning him as to whether it was a sin against God and against his wife. This was her attempt to stop him, given she knew he could overpower her physically. It didnt work. In spite of her protests and appeals he removed her clothes and sexually violated her while the tears streamed down her face. After this he remorselessly discussed her career opportunities. As she left he gave her several of his books and a one hundred dollar bill. For several months afterward he continued to communicate with her, claiming to love her as a father. They made plans for future visits. She felt as if she had found the father she never had. Eventually, however, Nanpida began to realize shed been violated rather than fathered. She refused his offer to come to GYC in December at his expense. After hearing one of Nanpida Parkers sermons on audioverse, she contacted Nanpida P., who referred her to The Hope of Survivors ministry. She has since corresponded with several volunteers through that ministry, myself included. I want to quickly summarize what youve just read. A struggling 21-year-old female sought out a 54-year-old Adventist minister for help with unresolved trauma and post-traumatic stress syndrome symptoms. This young woman was lured into this Adventist ministers hotel room for counsel, where he made sexual advances and became noticeably aroused. The next day the same Adventist minister, using his fatherly concern and spiritual authority, conned this young woman into returning to the hotel room where she would again be trapped with him. During that time in the hotel room, this Adventist minister sexually violated this weeping, protesting (albeit weakly) young woman, who was emotionally paralyzed and psychologically overpowered by him. After violating her, he gave her several of his spiritual books and one hundred dollars. This Adventist minister continued a distance relationship with this young woman, claiming fatherly affection for her for several months. He offered to pay her expenses to come to the US, which she declined because of the abuse.

In the service of the least of these, Jennifer Schwirzer, LPC

And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: consider it, take counsel, and speak, Judges 19:30.

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