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My Holiday

by Khen
My holiday was already a journey when I stepped out of my house so it was from Bangkok to Taipei; Taipei was pretty boring it was around a hour wait I just played games on my mums IPhone. Then it was from Taipei to LA international airport from the airport I had to wait for the bus to take me and my family to the car rental place I had to wait for quite a while for the bus so it was the car rental place to Newport I stayed at a place called the Marrot vacation club my family checked in around 11:00 we were all hungry so we went to this mall but there was nothing there so we drove around town but only thing which was open was this Pizza place so that knight I had Pizza. The first few days where shopping and getting food I did something different I stayed at the resort and just play PS3 games and life size checkers but some days I went shopping but I just went with my dad to the cheesecake factory and I went to the Nike shop to get a bag for the year six camp so the shopping mall was not so bad. Then my family was off to Hollywood first we stop at a caf and then we had to find a good car parking space after that me and my family walk through the streets of fame me and my family came across a tour office so there was three type of tours the sightseeing tour the tour the famous tour and the paparazzi tour me and my family took the famous tour so we had to walk all the way to the chines theater thats where the tour bus was the tour bus guy was really funny so the guy took us to Katty Perrys house Mical Jackson house Jackie Chan house and a whole bunch of Oscar winning people and he also took us to a good view of the Hollywood sign. Then me and my family just went back to Newport the next day I went to the Warner Bros studio when we got there we had some lunch then we went to the lobby to wait until they call my ticket number so when they did they showed us a bit of the history of the warner bros studio then we took the tour they showed us be hide the scenes and their sets where they make the show and the props they used for their movies. Then

I went to their shop and got a movie and a harry potter wand. Then the next day I went to the star wars exhibit and saw the props they used for star wars so that was holly wood then my family went to Las Vegas it was pretty much shows and grand canyon and they was also this CSI:the experience so that was Las Vegas for me and then I went of to San Francisco that was a 9 hour ride San Francisco was just hills, docks, tours and cable cars and I also got a IPhone 4s at San Francisco and I also went to the apple HQ Google HQ and Facebook HQ so that was America for Me Then Its back to school.

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