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On the cover Is a “Feynman diagram” representing the repulsion of two electrons (e"), with a “virtual” photon (7) acting to transfer the force between them. This essay suggests that a similar sort of transfer operates on the level ‘of human event, one which provides ‘a mechanism for omens and the results of successful conjurations. /DAGON \ © Dagon oie Post Office Box 15284 Portland, OR 97293-5284 USA Inetpy/ SORCERY AD VIRTUAL MECHANICS SORCERY AS VIRTUAL MECHANICS ‘The Actualization of ‘Unseen Forms in Occult Working ‘Second and Revised Edition ‘STEPHEN MACE SORCERY AD VIRTUAL MECFANICD For Richard Corey Sorcery As Vinwal Mechenics Copyright ©1988, 1999 by Stephen Mace All rights reserved No prt of his ook maybe reeds, sore in etival system ramet nary fry 2y mes, Incoing techni electing. coding ‘tothe, ites por mien peri of he copa Ova eter et ooo ‘Those wishing to correspond with the author shold address: Stephen Mace P.0.Hox 256 Mion, Connecticut 60-0256 USA. ‘Those expecting a reply shuld enclne self-addressed, stamped envelope. Foreign conespondens should enclowe imerational ely coopons. Published by Dagon Productions PO. Box 15284 Portland, OR 97293-5284 USA info@ SOICETY a> VIRTUAL MECRANICO INTRODUCTION ‘On the cover you will hve seen a "Feynman diagram” type of| schematic ivente by the physicist Richard Fey to belp account forthe imeractions of sbatomic particles, The diagram show on the cover represents one ofthe simplest posible interactions, the tal repulsion of two clacton ( ), wih viral” photon (Y) acting to transfer the momentum between them. This essay siggestethatan anal ous sort of tansfr operates onthe level of human event. ae which Provides a mechanism for omen and the results of succesful conjure ‘On 15 February 1988 took the fist ive copies ofthe Fit ion ‘ot Sorcery as Virtual Mechanies to Book World in New Haven books that also displayed a Feynman diagram onthe cover. When Tarved te nightlek, George, pai me fitcen dollars and I put the five copes on ‘he helt for retail sale, by that act publishing the bok. ‘Also on 15 February 1988, Richard Feynman ded. Lswear Id’ ‘ven know he had cancer unt I ead his obituary two days ltr. ‘So bizare coinckence occured to mark the publication of book that seks to explain the dynamics behind bizare coincidences, At the least such an omen would scem to indicate hat one shoud py some stenton to the mechanism the book proposes ~ sf omens and sich might actually work in that way. ‘An so id carrying the notion no my workin th gis ofp: hi stress esolving ite inthe form physical event. Bu neve gun 4d promote any analogy with quantum behavior, ad Thad no problem ‘with euing the firs editon lide ot of print. Though the original Lene (ofan idea elds frm as ever, Thad comet think thi ny prof the book presented thet subject in ways awkward badly organized, con sed or jst plain wre. And yet lt coul clam that omen, which purest certain author. ‘So thappened that when Douglas Grant of Dagon Productions of- feredtn doa epi, aggesteda rewrite, ad he accepted. You hold the resuk now. Iecovers these round, bt leven year Iter The round ist has not changed. salute Peter Call, Prophet of Anontology, without whose con tribution magickal ings thie text could no exist ns present fom,

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