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The General Climate of Indonesia

Two seasons : wet and dry Heavy rainfall (2250 mm /year in average) Temperature 29 0C and humidity 80 % The spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall is governed by monsoon. Northwestern monsoon blows from Asian mainland where it picks up moisture and brings heavy rain. Southeastern monsoon blows from Australia where it picks up dry air.

Table 1. Onset and Withdrawal of monsoon in various part of Indonesia

Regions Onset Withdrawal Length of wet season (months) 9 8 7 6 5 4

North Sumatra South Sumatra West java Central Java East Java Bali Sundae islands

Late August First week of Sept October November November NovemberDecember December

June June May April April March

Wet and dry have led the following definitions :

A wet month has a mean monthly rainfall of at least 200 mm/month A dry month has a mean monthly rainfall of less than 100 mm/month

Base on definitions, the following classifications are made

Zone Wet season months Sub zone Dry season months


>9 79 56 34 <3

1 2 3 4 5

<2 2 -3 46 79 >9

The classification above of which 12 can be identified in Indonesia (%)

Agro climatic zone Sumatra Celebes Java Kalimantan A1 24 1 4 40 B1 46 21 16 50 B2 1 4 7 1 C1 6 10 0 8 C2 9 11 25 7 C3 0 4 14 0 D1 10 10 0 3 D2 2 8 5 1 D3 0 4 20 0 E1 0 12 0 5 E2 2 11 0 1 E3 0 4 9 0

Average of monthly rainfall in Jakarta (mm)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 MAR MAY AUG NOV APR OCT DES JAN SEP FEB JUN JUL


month rainfall mm

Average of monthly rainfall in sumatra 1999 (mm)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 MAY MAR JUN AUG JUL OCT NOV APR DES SEP JAN FEB




Cropping pattern rice -based system (low land)

Upland cropping pattern

Agricultural land classification rice -base system

Agricultural land Low land rice areas Full irrigation Partial irrigation Rain -fed Upland rain -fed areas Humid Dry Very dry 9 months,> 200 mm /month 3 months,< 100 mm /month 6 months,> 200 mm /month 3 months,< 100 mm /month 3 -4 months,> 200 mm /month 3 months,< 100 mm /month 10 months 7 - 9 months 5 months Crop season duration

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