Media Statement From CR Cameron Brewer

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Media statement Auckland Councillor Cameron Brewer Thursday, 7 June 2012 Outrage voiced over $3m for Maori

board and letter to Govt blocked Auckland Councillor Cameron Brewer says there will be disappointment that another blank cheque for $3m was handed over to the Independent Maori Statutory Board today, when so many cuts to core council business have been made within the Auckland Council in recent weeks and many ratepayers face significant rates increases. The decision to endorse $3m of annual operational funding to the IMSB for 2012/13 was made in the Strategy & Finance committee today, with 12 voting for and 7 councillors against. Those who voted against the funding were Cameron Brewer, Calum Penrose, Dick Quax, Sharon Stewart, Sir John Walker, Wayne Walker, and George Wood. Sadly, only seven of us voted against the $3m. Even the Mayoral Office budget is tracking down, yet ever since we consulted the public on spending $2.2m for 2012/13 on the IMSB in the draft Long Term Plan, its budget had only crept up despite most key council departments having to cut their cloth to respond to the financial pressures this council is under. Over $3m for a nine person part-time committee will once again disgust ratepayers hurting out there. Mr Brewer says councillors generally believe the IMSB structure is not working, yet his amendment to formally raise the issue with the Government was ruled out of order by Strategy & Finance chair Penny Webster today. Its time for the Mayor to tell the Government that the current IMSB structure, enshrined in law, is not working for Aucklanders, and producing no benefits whatsoever for local Maori. Unfortunately he wont confront the issue, but its time he gave the message to Wellington as its costing ratepayers a packet, says Mr Brewer.

The amendment proposed by Mr Brewer and seconded by Dick Quax, but thrown out, read: That the Mayor writes to the Minister of Local Government expressing Auckland Councils on-going concern over the role, unelected status, and costs of the Independent Maori Statutory Board and request they consider a review at the end of this council term. Ends Cameron Brewer (021) 828-016

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