Lesson Plan For MBA 1ST Sem For The Session From

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Serial no. 1

Topics to be covered UNIT-I Organizational Behavior: What managers do, Definition of

OB, contributing disciplines to OB, challenges and opportunities for OB.

No of sessions 3-4

2 3

Foundations of Individual behavior- biographical characteristics, ability, and learning. Values, Attitudes Personality and Emotions Perception

2-3 2-3 3-5 3-4 4-5

UNIT- II Motivation: Concept, Theories of Maslow , Herzberg,

4 5 McClelland Porter & Lawler Model, Application of Motivation Concept. Job Satisfaction Foundations of Group Behavior: Group formation, development and structure, Group Processes, Group Decision- making Techniques, Work Teams.

6 7

First Mid semester test UNIT-IV Interpersonal Skill- Transactional analysis, Life
Positions, Johari Window. Leadership: Concept, theories styles and their application. Power and Politics in Organization 3-4

8 9

3-4 3-5

UNIT-V Conflict Management, Stress Management, Crisis

Management Organizational Change & Development, Innovation, Creating a learning Organization Organizational Culture Organizational Effectiveness

10 11

3-4 3-4

Recommended Text Books

1. Robbins Organization Behaviour Pearson Educationa Asia 2. Luthans Organization Behaviour Tata McGraw Hill 3. Udai Pareek Understanding Origination Oxford Publishing House

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