International Business

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international business

Definitions (2)
1. The exchange of goods and services among individualsand businesses in multiple countries. 2. A specific entity, such as a multinational corporation orinternational business company that engages in businessamong multiple countries.

What Is International Business?

Dealing with so many different cultures and with extensive field experience, I tend to apply the simplest of definitions: International business = Business transactions crossing national borders at any stage of the transaction. But then very often other questions crop up.
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Definition of international business

Posted on May 14, 2009 by Richard

International business deals with business activities (both production and services) that crosses the national boundaries. This activity includes movement of goods, services capital or personnel, transfer of technology, etc. Functionally, by business we mean those human activities, which involve production or purchase of goods and services with the object of selling them at a profit. Todays world is an era of Global Village or specialization. A particular country is not self-dependent for producing goods and services. One country depends on another for goods and services as well as one area of a particular country depends on another area for meeting demand. This interdependence creates internationals Business. ShareThis

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