360 Degree Appraisal

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EBMG 477 HR Planning and Development

360 Degree Appraisal

Adapted from Performance Management, Tony Keenan

360 Degree Appraisal

The 360 degree appraisal system collects feedback on the employee (appraisee) from many sources at all different levels in the organization. Superiors, peers, subordinates, internal and external customers will all be part of the process. This system has become the preferred tool for helping employees, particularly those in supervisory roles, improve performance by gathering information on their performance from the various individuals involved with them.

360 Degree Appraisal

Advantages of 360 Degree Appraisal: 1. Since everyone who is involved with the job holder gets the opportunity to provide feedback, a complete picture of all relevant aspects of performance can be obtained. 2. If there is agreement from all the appraisers regarding an employees performance then the manager is likely to have more confidence in it than if it was from just one individual.

360 Degree Appraisal

3. Also, if there is agreement from all sources then the employee is more likely to accept the feedback as being accurate. Disadvantages of 360 Degree Appraisal 1. Due to the fact that many people have to provide information on each person being appraised the system can end up being complicated and time consuming.

360 Degree Appraisal

2. Given the sensitive nature of appraisal information, it is important that if the appraiser is not the supervisor of the employee, he/she must remain anonymous. 3. It is important that the employees are trained to focus only on constructive feedback and not to concentrate on destructive feedback.

360 Degree Appraisal

4. While it is an excellent method for providing comprehensive performance feedback, it cannot be used by itself to set performance objectives/targets. This can only be done in an interview between employee and supervisor. Most appraisal systems include an interview between appraiser and appraisee to set objectives at the beginning and to review the objectives at the end of appraisal period as a central component of the Performance Management Process. 360 degree appraisal can be used in conjunction with this.

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