STD 8 English

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Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation

Teachers Manual Upper primary English Std - VIII Term I CONTENTS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Content Formative Activities and Objectives Guidelines Time Schedule List of Activities from Text Book Additional Activities Expected Level of Learning Blue Print and Sample Question Paper Page No 65 67 68 69 75 96 97


LEARNING AREA Listening Clap and Learn (Additional Activity-3) Word Ball ( Additional Activity-7) Speaking Discuss in Groups Role Play the Dialogue Discuss and Share Dramatization `& Debate Writing Write few lines e.g. Where and with whom have you felt safe and cared for? Write an informal letter Creative writing write a short paragraph Write a dialogue e.g. Between Sastry and the new teacher Diary writing, Mind-mapping Project Work, Scrapbook

OBJECTIVES to listen carefully - to show involvement - to make inferences and connections - willingness to participate and follow guidelines -aware of the learning content in the game

able to the work with others and share attention and responsibility to show involvement to express ones view to show enthusiasm to learn the skills related to role play interest in connecting learning with the role play listening carefully and responding to others view ability to hold the focused attention of the listeners

to exhibit interest in self - expression attempt to write a complete story to express creativity to present attractively tries to convey ones purpose/meaning shows involvement and effort to show understanding of work done neatness in presentation innovative design/presentation of materials clarity in presentation

appropriate use of concepts and details presented

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (b) Sl. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. WRITING Describe the thoughts and feelings Match the following Fill in the blanks Complete the sentence Choose the correct answer Fill in the Grid State true or false Pick out the gerunds Underline the infinitives Combine the following pairs Summarizing / sequencing Identify the phrases Tennis Game phrases and clauses OBJECTIVES clarity in presentation answer is relevant to the question asked use vocabulary correctly writes original sentences written cogently neat presentation accurate, complete answer exhibits logical reasoning in choice/ filling in of frame work involvement understanding and responding

INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY Ask the students to have a separate note book for English. Select a topic fit for the student level. Provide necessary information. Ask the students to write in their note book. Give time to present. Prior information to be given to bring necessary materials ( if needed)

PAIR WORK In a pair one should be above average. Give them the topic with necessary information. Inform them of their role in the pair and the way to present.

SMALL GROUP / LARGE GROUP ACTIVITIY Divide the class into small groups. Ensure that each group has all levels of students. Choose a student in the group to act as a group leader. Instruct them their role in the group. Give the topic and allow them to discuss among themselves. Inform them the way to execute the work The teacher has to observe the students. Encourage every student to come out with his/her own ideas. The group leader has to present their ideas before the large group. Other groups have to listen and give comments

REMEDIAL MEASURES The teacher may choose any number of activities and practise any number of times according to the need.

3. TIME SCHEDULE Std: VIII Subject : English Term I

Month / Unit June- Unit I

Week I II III IV Prose

Area The wooden Bowl Tenses


Grammar Poem Supplementary Reader Prose Grammar Poem Supplementary Reader Prose Grammar Poem Supplementary Reader

My grandmothers house A mothers day gift

July Unit II


The power of laughter The gerund and infinitives You cant be that, No, You cant be that A Woman of courage



Living amicably Phrases and Clauses All men are foreign Sorry, best friend

4. LIST OF ACTIVITIES FROM THE TEXT BOOK Unit & Area FA(a) Kind of activity Objectives To enable - participation - enhance peer communication - present a report Page No. 78 FA(b) Page No. 77

I Prose Let us understand The Wooden Discuss in groups and present a Bowl report. 1. How can I support the old people in my life?

Let us remember Pick out the words and phrases 78 Match the following

Group Activity

Group Activity/ 2. What do I understand from the Individual Activity story? 3. Do you share a bond with anyone like Anbu with his grandfather? Vocabulary 1. Syllabification(pick out words from the story) 2. Rearrange the given prefix, base and suffix to form a word 3. Add a suitable prefix or suffix to the root words TENSES. 1. Pick out the words 2. Fill in the table 3. Make meaningful sentence 4. Tick the correct sentence 5. Cross out the incorrect verb form to complete the sentences 6. Complete the following 79 79



81 81 82 84 85


86 Let us expand A small story outline - Use the right tense form of the verbs Language Functions Reading aloud a paragraph from the Individual activity prose Role play (dialogue) Group activity Reading skill 87

Poem My grandmothers house

Write a few lines with who have you Individual activity felt safe and cared for?

To develop - Speaking skill 87 - inter action Enable to 92 - express views - think and associate ideas - language fluency

Choose the correct answer


Supplementary Reader A Mothers day gift

97 Let us understand 1. Work in small groups Fill in the space with lines from the story. Composition 98 completing the letter

Unit & Area Unit II prose The power of laughter

FA(a) Discuss and Share 1. Your impressions about the headman. 2. What were the changes in the village? 3. Good ways to settle quarrels

Kind of activity Group activity

Objectives To create - interest - team work - creativity - participation - (express his views) purpose/relevance - language fluency - speaking skill

Pag e No 106 107 109


Page No 100 102 104 107 108

Answer in words and phrases Do and see- Grid Fun with words prefix

Let us recall-True/False 109 Grammar The Gerund - Pick out the gerunds 109

complete the sentence Match the following Infinitives - Underline the infinitives

110 110 110 111 111 111

Pick out Combine pair of sentences fill in with infinitives

complete the sentence with infinitives

112 113 114 114 115 117

The participle -Underline the participles Pick out the verbs Word play Combine words Try this as well Join the pairs of sentences together using participles Poem You cant be that, No You cant be that Let us understand work in groups 1. What do you like to be? 2. Sometimes you feel that you cant explain a deep thought or dream, Why? Creative Writing write a short paragraph - you had the courage to stand alone and live by what you know to be true ? Group Activity Enable to -express his views -interact with others -participate 118 Appreciation questions

Supplementary reader A woman of courage

Individual activity

-creativity -sequence -connectivity - language & style -content -presentation Presentation of skills in small groups 125

Work in pairs prepositional phrases Language enrichment Reading comprehension Summarizing - sequencing Lets us remember Choose the correct answer


124 125

Let us understand Dramatization

Group activity

Unit III Prose. Living Amicably

Dr. Kalams unforgettable experience at the Rameswaram Elementary School

Pair work/Individual activity

To assess -clarity of thought -usage of words -sequencing - linguistic skills -expression To assess their understanding capacity To stimulate their imaginative skill - aesthetic sense - attempts to complete - Be careful with materials & puts back after use


Tick the correct synonyms

Match the Antonyms


Fill in with correct words/phrases

132 133 135

Read & Enjoy Rainbow Activity

Pair work Individual Activity

Read and Enjoy (Rainbow) 135

Grammar Phrases / Clauses

Fill Ups - Phrases Identify the phrases Fill in with subordinate clauses Match the phrases with suitable clauses Let us do Identify the subordinate Clause

136 136 137 138 138

Language Functions

Complete the dialogue(Role Play)

Group activity

Voice & posture -ones involvement -work with others & share -attention and responsibility -


Try this dialogue writing

Pair work

Interest in connecting 139 learning with the role play -Willingness to work on script/props/ back drops,etc thinks logically/sequentially express ones views every one listens carefully to others views clarity 139 Understanding the poem 141

Poem No men are foreign

Discuss & Share

Group activity


Supplementary Reader Sorry, best friend.

Let us do - Pick out the lines and phrases from the story that convey the feelings of the character

149 150


Unit: Name of the activity: Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of Activity: Duration:

I Prose (The Wooden Bowl) Role Play Speaking FA (a) Group Activity One period

Objectives: Enable the students to develop Speaking Skill Expression Fluency

Procedure: Divide the class into groups. After discussion every team sends a single student to play the role of a character from the story.

Assessment Parameters: Expression Body Language Language Fluency : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

Audibility, Intonation : 2 Marks Pronunciation : 2 Marks


Unit: Area: Name of the activity: Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of Activity: Duration:

I Prose Vocabulary Word puzzle Writing FA (b) Individual 15 minutes

I. Complete the meaning for the listed words Narrated Capable Keenly Scared Hastened t- - d a-il- -y in e es i g - y - r g t n- d moved q i k - y

II. Find the opposites from the jumbled words given in the table. They are shuffled and jumbled. 1 2 3 4 5 Never Forget Loved Laugh Weak x emermbre x ewep x gstorn x hetad x awylas

Assessment Parameter: Every correct answer gets 1 mark.

ACTIVITY: - 3 Unit: Area: Topic: Name of the Activity: Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of activity: Duration: I Vocabulary (Syllabification) Clap and Learn Listening FA (a) Group Activity 20 minutes

Objectives:Enable the students - to listen to the word and respond - to understand the concept ( syllabification) Procedure:Prepare a list of words. Divide the class into two groups, each group has some words. Call a child from the first group to call out a word. A child from the second group will clap to show the number of syllables. eg. beau ti ful (three claps) Assessment Parameters: Listening Ability to syllabify Team Work Interaction Participation : 2 Mark : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

Activity:- 4 Unit: Name of the Activity: Topic : Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of Activity: I Poetry (My grandmothers house) Project Work Prepare your -Family Tree Collecting Information FA (a) Individual

Objectives: Collecting Information. Presentation.

Procedure:Ask the student to collect photos or names of their family members with some description. Eg. Grandfather - Kind Assessment Parameters: Follows guidelines with reasonable accuracy : 2 Marks Completion of work within time Effort and involvement Neatness in presentation : 2 Marks : 2 + 2 Marks : 2 Marks

ACTIVITY:- 5 Unit: Area: Topic : Name of the Activity: Type of Assessment: Kind of Activity: Duration: Choose the correct option 1. I Supplementary Reader A Mothers Day Gift Choose the correct option FA (b) Individual 15 minutes

Apsara had just shifted with her parents........ a. to a far off place b. to her relatives house c. to a new neighbour hood d. to a known place

2. Apsara and Selvi enjoyed............. a. Singing and dancing b. drawing and painting c. watching movies d. learning and playing 3. The school was planning for............. a. a cultural show b. the sports day c. the annual day d. a magic show 4. Apsara took her mother to......... a. her grandma b. Mrs. Rose c. the teacher d. Selvi

5. Apsara realized the beauty lies.................... a. around us b. everywhere c. in the heart and mind d. in nature Assessment parameter; Each correct response gets one mark. ACTIVITY:- 6 Unit: Name of Activity: Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of Activity: Objectives:Enable the student to - develop interest in reading - appropriate use of reference - reads books with involvement Procedure:Teacher may suggest books for reading as per levels of understanding and topic appropriate Assessment Parameter: Understanding Sequencing Narrating Language Fluency Accuracy : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks I & II Extended Reading ( Reference/Newspaper/Book Reading) Reading FA (a) Individual / Pair work

ACTIVITY:- 7 Unit: Area: Topic: Name of the Activity: Skill: Kind of Activity: Type of Assessment: Duration: II Vocabulary Compound Words Word Ball Thinking Group FA (a) 20 Minitues

Objectives: Identify Compound Word Procedure: Split the compound words and write in separate words. Divide the class into groups. Each group is given four cards. A student from one group reads the word and the other group with the matching word reads it out. eg: A student from one group should read the word (water). The group having the matching word (falls) should read out to form the compound word (Waterfalls) Assessment Parameters Involvement Effort Follow Guidelines : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

Awareness of learning content : 2 Marks Group work : 2 Marks

ACTIVITY:- 8 Unit: Area: Topic: Name of the Activity: Skill: Kind of Activity: Type of Assessment II Poetry (You cant be that, No, You cant be that) Pick out the rhyming words Listening Individual FA- B

Objectives: Identify sounds and words.

Procedure : The teacher asks the students to pick out the rhyming words.

Assessment parameters: Clearly stating rhyming words. Ability to identify rhyme and rhythm

ACTIVITY:- 9 Unit: Area: Topic: Name of the Activity: Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of Activity: II Poetry (You cant be that, No,You cant be that) Recite the poem Recitation Reading FA(b) Individual

Objectives and Parameters:- enthusiastic recital. - pause and intonation. - ability to quote from memory.

ACTIVITY-10 Unit: Name of the Activity: Topic: Skill: Kind of Assessment: Type of Assessment: II Refer and Read An ideal woman of courage in your district or nation Reading Individual / Pair Work FA(a)

Duration: The topic may be given two days before (presentation and assessment can be done in one period)

Objectives: Enable the students to ... - develop skill in extended reading. - develop interest in reading. - develop library referencing skills. Procedure: Ask the students to refer encyclopedia, library, INTERNET or any other source to get information regarding the given topic and present it in the class room. Assessment Parameters: Nature of the effort taken Appropriate use of reference : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

Clear acknowledgement of reference material : 2 Marks Knowledge of how to list references made : 2 Marks Relevance to content : 2 Marks

Suggested topics:1. An interesting book that I read. 2. The need to educate women. 3. Importance of reading good books.

ACTIVITY-11 Unit: Area: Topic : Name of the Activity: Skill: Kind of Assessment: Kind of Activity: Duration: Objectives: To be clear in expression. Include details where needed. Not to exceed word limit III Prose (Living Amicably) National Leaders Assignment Writing Skill FA (a) Group Period

Procedure: The class will be divided into groups (6/8). Through flash cards the students will pick the name of a National Leader. Descriptions such as Birth place, date of birth, family members, education, involvement in freedom struggle and conclusion etc have to be collected by the student. The students will be given two days to complete the activity and submit with the picture of the leader

Assessment Parameters: follows guidelines completion involvement & effort understanding of work neatness in presentation : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

ACTIVITY-12 Unit: Area : Topic: Name of the Activity : Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of activity: Duration : Objectives: Subject knowledge Quick and spontaneity in response Alertness and listening III Grammar (Phrases & Clauses) Tennis (game) Thinking/Understanding FA(b) Group activity 10/15 Minutes

Procedure: 1. The class will be divided into two groups 2. The teacher will be the refree 3. Two boxes ( with 10 phrases & 10 clauses in each box) will be placed in front of the groups 4. A student from group 1 will pick a card and read the / content of the card aloud 5. A person from the other group will say aloud phrases/clauses Ex. Group.1. by working hard Group.2. Phrase 6. The person who answers this will pick the next card 7. This will go on till all the cards are read out

Assessment Parameters: Involvement Identify Phrases and clauses Willingness to participate Co-operation Note: The same game could be played to learn present and past tense form or degrees of adjectives.

ACTIVITY:- 13 Unit: Area: Name of the Activity: Skill: Type of Assessment Kind of activity Duration: III Poetry (No men are foreign) Memory Activity Recitation FA(a) Group activity 40 Minutes

Objectives: To develop their ability to recall Procedure: 1. The class will be divided into 6/8 groups 2. The leader of each group will be asked to pick a flash card for their turn of recitation 3. As per their turn, they will recite the poem individually each student one stanza/the whole group recite together 4. As it is recited, the teacher will assess the students individually

Assessment Parameters: Ability to recall Clarity Rhyme & rhythm Participation : 4 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

ACTIVITY:- 14 Unit: Area: Name of the Activity Topic: Skill : Type of Assessment: Kind of activity: Duration: Objectives: Richness in content Takes effort to create Produces innovative design Relevance to content (The students should be instructed previous day to bring 1. Chart paper 2.Pictures/related to war and peace 3.glue 4.Colour Sketch pens) III Poetry Scrap Book Preparation War and peace Collecting Information FA (a) Individual / Pair/ Small Group 40 Minutes

Procedure: 1. The students will be asked to cut the chart to 8 pieces and make a booklet 2. Sheets 1 & 8 ( cover) The remaining 6 sheets will be divided as follows a) 2 sheets paste pictures on war impact or consequences b) 2 Sheets - paste pictures of war c) 2 Sheets paste pictures showing peaceful co-existence. 3. Use sketch pens to suggest or comment in bubble boxes. 4. Decorate the cover page with the topic.

Assessment Parameters: Interest in content Efforts taken Presentation Extension of learning Aesthetic Sense ( colour scheme composition) : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks

ACTIVITY:-15 Unit: Area: Topic: Name of the Activity Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of activity: Duration Objectives: To enhance their understanding Procedure: Some sentences will be written on the board to be copied in the note book. Five minutes to recall and complete the given work . For eg; Re- arrange the jumbled sentences 1. One day, Bai brought her young daughter, Miriam to Manjus house 2. Initially, Miriam felt shy to talk to Manju 3. As days went by both the girls became very close friend 4. Manju felt terribly lonely 5. Ramu and her thirteen year old daughter, Manju had to just arrived in Mumbai Assessment parameters: Knowledge of content Understanding of steps Accuracy of work done Neatness in presentation Ability to reflect & learn : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Marks III Supplementary Reader (Sorry,Best Friend) Rearrange the jumbled sentences Sequencing Sentences Understanding FA(b) Individual/pair work 10 Minutes

ACTIVITY-16 Unit: Area: Name of the Activity: Skill: Type of Assessment: Kind of activity: Duration III Supplementary Reader (Sorry,Best Friend) Mind Mapping Understanding & Writing FA(a) Individual/Group Activity 20 Minutes

Objectives : To enable the students -to represent linked ideas & concepts -to analyze, comprehend, recall & synthesize -to generate new ideas Procedure: Ask the students to prepare a mind map on the content understood Assessment Parameters: Appropriate usage of concepts Clarity in presentation Evocative design : 3 Marks : 2 Marks : 2 Mark

Reveals a learning association with : 3 Marks what has been presented

EXAMPLE Unit III Area Supplementary Reader Topic: Sorry, Best Friend

Renus daughter Mother advised and consoled Manju and Miriam Manju 13 years old

Manju terribly lonely

Manju was shocked change in attitude


Miriam Bai s daughter

Mother paid Miriam salary Manju Miriam shared so much, became friends

GENERAL GUIDELINES TO CONDUCT ACTIVITIES Name of the Activity Skill Type of Assessment :FA(a) kind of activity Duration Objectives : Appropriate body language Holds attention of listeners. Accuracy in words and expression. Procedure: Prior preparation : (i) Role to be assigned :Group activity :40 Minutes : Role Play : Listening & Speaking

(ii) Preparation of script (with the help of the group members) (iii) Have a rehearsal In class : 1. Inform the students to listen carefully to the conversation and be ready to answer the questions put forth 2. Ask the students to enact the skit Assessment Parameters : Speaking skill Expression Fluency & audibility Involvement : 2 Marks : 3 Marks : 3 Marks : 2 Marks

Ex. Unit I Prose The Wooden Bowl Characters Grand father,Father,Mother, Grand son.

Name of the Activity: Dictation Skill: Listening & Writing Type of Assessment: FA(b) Kind of activity : Individual activity Duration: 10 Minutes Objectives : To learn to discriminate the sound To focus the students attention on listening To learn proper/correct pronunciation To strengthen their vocabulary. Procedure: 1. Prior information regarding the area for dictation to be given. 2. Proper, loud pronunciation of the word / phrase/sentence by the teacher. 3. Word limit 10 to 15 words only ( If sentences 4/5/ sentences) Assessment Parameters: Correct spelling Note: Peer group assessment / correction could be done Words/Phrases/Sentences/SA/Memory lines could be tested through dictation. Synonyms / antonyms/singular/plural/tenses could also be tested

Name of the Activity : Group Discussion Skill : Type of Assessment : Kind of Activity : Duration : Speaking FA(a) Group activity One period

Objectives : Learn to express ones view Learn to listen carefully to others views Clear learning based benefit for all members Learn to co operate with the members

Procedure: 1. Divide the class into small groups 2. The topic is given 3. Discussion among group members ( 20 min) 4. Presentation by the representatives from each group

Assessment Parameters: Courtesy in all exchanges within the group Involvement and interest Content / topic based discussion / presentation Clarity in presentation : 2 Marks : 2 Marks : 3 Marks : 3 Marks

6. EXPECTED LEVEL OF LEARNING Listening: Speaking: Listens to proper pronunciation and intonation. Appreciates rhyme, special use of words. Expresses thoughts in complete sentence. Narrates something / person. Shares jokes, puzzles. Enjoys reading poem. Appreciates poem. Understands selected passage. Summarizes the story. Reads for interest. Writes correct answer. Learns to writes paragraph. Writes a summary. Writes creatively. Clarity in presentation. Learns to use simple, continuous perfect tense. Learns gerunds and infinitives. Learns to use clause and phrase. Learns synonyms of words. Learns the spelling and homophones and syllabification. Interprets data. Learns to express his/her view




Vocabulary: Language function:

7. BLUE PRINT MODEL QUESTIONS PAPER STD-VIII (60 Marks) Summative Assessment Section A Vocabulary ( 09 Marks) 1. Choose the best synonym from the options given below for the words underlined / italicized (3x1 = 3)

One day I saw a bird with (i) fleecy feathers. An old man was (ii) tilling the soil while a child (iii) wailed (i) a) thick b) hard c) soft d) wooly d) destroying

(ii) a) waiting b) ploughing c) digging

(iii) a) screened b) laughed c) cried loudly d) called 2. Choose the best antonym from the options given below for the words underlined / italicized (3x1 = 3) The king (i) defeated his (ii) enemies in the war. Many (iii) young soldiers were killed (i) a) won b) sorry c) distress d) quiet d) brothers

(ii) a) neigh bours (iii) a) new

b) strangers c) rotten

c) friends d) old

b) fresh

3. Syllabify any 3 of the following a) sorrow b) wonderful c) grandfather d) capable

(3x1 = 3)

SECTION B GRAMMA R 09 MARKS 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs given in brackets i) The sun .......... (rise) in the East (1x3=3)

ii) We ......... (visit) Delhi a month ago iii) They ............... (meet) the President yesterday 5. Complete the sentences choosing the suitable infinitive from the box given below (3x1=3) i) ........ is human ii) ........... the traffic rules is a must iii) It is important ........ the environment ( to protect, to err, to obey) Link the correct participle to the given 3 x 1 = 3 A Broken Wounded Dancing B doll furniture dog

SECTION. C Prose (08 Marks) 6. Answer any 3 of the following in about 2 or sentences each a. What was the special bond that Anbu and his grandfather shared? b. What made Anbus grandfather unhappy in Coimbatore?


c. Who was the stranger of the village? d. What did the headman ask his astrologer? e. What happened when Kalamas father came out of the mosques after prayers? 7. Answer any one of the following in about 80 words ( 6 to 7 sentences) 1x5=5 a) Write in your own words why Anbu started making a wooden bowl b) What were the changes that took place in the village? c) Write short notes on Dr.Kalams unforgettable experiences at the Rameswaram Elementary School.

SECTION.D Poetry (13- Marks) 8. Quote from memory any one of the following (1x5=5)

a. Quote from memory the first five lines from the poem You cant be that ......) or b. Quote from memory the lines from Beneath .......... to ......... winter starved, from the poem No Men Are Foreign. 9. Read the given lines and answer the questions given below.3x1=3 i) The house withdrew into silence. Name the poem and the poet. ii) I told them when I grow up, I am not going to be an airline pilot, Who is the I mentioned in the poem? iii) Beneath all uniforms, a single, body breathes What is the Unirofm refered to here?

10. Answer any one of the following in about 6 or 7 lines. (1X5=5) i) Compare and contrast the experiences of Kamala Surrayah in her grand mothers house before and after here death ii) iii) What were the persons the poet didnt want to be? What happens to the earth during war according to James Kirkup? SECTION.E Supplementary Reader (11 marks) 11. Choose the correct answer from the options given below i) 3x1=3

Apsara was accompanied by her ........ on her first day of school a) brother b) father c) friend d) mother


Catherine came to India and met ........ a) Nehru b) Indra Gandhi c) Mahathma Gandhi d) Netaji

b) Manju was ............. years old a) twelve b) seven c) eight d) thirteen

12. Complete the mind map given below


Mother advised and consoled ----------- and Miriam

Renus daughter --------------- 13 years old

Manju terribly -------------Manju was shocked change in ----------------------------------Mother paid Miriam ---------Manju Miriam shared so much, became ----------SORRY, BEST FRIEND

13. Develop the given hints into a readable paragraph of about 80 words (5x1=5)

The day of tea party - Apsaras mother to the room of Mrs Rose --- happiness ---- selvis mother ---- accident victim ----- last legs ---- beauty lies in the way we face challenges 14. Write a letter to your friend expressing your inability to attend his/her birthday party.5x1=5 Place...... Date..... Dear......... Hope this letter finds all your family members in good health and cheer. .......... your ........ invitation I ............ ..................... .................. ......................

Yours friendly

16. Look at the picture and answer the questions given below.

(5X1 = 5)

i) What do you observe in the above picture? ii) What do you find behind the grass? ii) Do you love nature ? Why? iii) Mention two ways to preserve nature. iv) Give a suitable title.


S. No Sections Knowledge 30% VSA 1 Vocabulary A a)Synonyms & Antonyms b) Compound Words/Prefix c) Make sentences GRAMMAR B a) Fill up b)Multiple Choice Questions c)Transformation Prose C a) Question & Answer ( Short) b) Question & Answer (long) Poetry D a) Quote from Memory b) Appreciation Question c) Paragraph Questions Supplementary Reader E a)Multiple choice question b)Draw mind map c)Paragraph (hints developing) Letter Writing F (formal/informal) Picture Comprehension/Translation Proverb & Meaning Dialogue writing / interpretation of nonverbal data Total

Understanding 37% SA LA VSA



Application/Skill 33% SA LA


Q3(1) Q3(1) Q3(1) Q3(1) Q3(1) Q3(1) C5,Q3(1) C3,Q1(5) C2,Q1(5) Q3(1) C2,Q1(5) Q3(1) Q3(1) C3,Q1(3) Q3(1) Q3(1) Q3(1) Q3(1) 18 6 6 10 6 8 6 9 3 3 3 3 60 13 8 9 9

6 7 8 9

VSA Very Short Answer, SA Short Answer, LA Long Answer, CQ- Choice Questions

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