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3rd march bites

quo vadis
campari, orange & pomegranate 7.5 mthode anglaise 8.5 blanc de blancs 2007 gusbourne estate

dull & humid 9C

baked salsify & parmesan 3.5 bloater paste 4 smoked mackerel pat 4

smoked eel & horseradish sandwich

theatre set
jerusalem artichoke soup

beetroot & egg salad p

the oysters

cornbread with squash, goats curd & sage marinated chicken with mint, courgette & onions

6 for 12, 9 for 17 natives 6 for 19, 9 for 25

todays pie
beef & hare

crab soup, rouille & croutons 5.5 sardines on toast and a fried egg 6.5 squid, fennel & puntarella 7.5 salt duck & pickled prunes 7 4 pork terrine, pickles & toast 6

hare soup 5

sticky toffee pudding & ice cream

chocolate brownie, fudge sauce & cream

17.5 for 2 courses 20 for 3 courses all day

the grill
onglet 17.5 rib of beef 56 for 2 to 3

whole grilled mackerel & rhubarb 15 ox liver, onions & sage 15.5 hake, mash & beetroot 17.5 middlewhite & beans 18.5

todays braise
hot pot 15

brill, celeriac, fennel & puntarella 18.5

pink fir apple potatoes 3.5 carrots & cabbage 3.5 green salad 3.5 orange & fennel salad 3.5
2 6 - 2 9 d e a n s t r e e t, s o h o , l o n d o n w 1 d 3 l l
a discretionary 12.5% service charge will be added to your bill

telephone 020 7437 9585

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