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By Visti Larsen
Guide and Guru: Sanjay Rath
r Sta: praktydyaabanddhojvasa ucyate||
praktydyaabandhonanirmuktomukta ucyate||2||
The tman is called jva because it is bound down in eight
types of chains of prkti (nature). When freed from
these bondages it is no longer considered a jva and
instead called mukta (free)
Translated by Pt. Sanjay rath
iva Pura VS.18.3
Emancipation is the stage of complete control of these
bondages of prkti etc. One who is trapped in the
bondages is called a jva and one who has been freed is
called a mukta (liberated being).
Eight bondages
iva Pura VS.18.4:
Prkti includes gutmaka, buddhi (intelligence) and
ahakra, and the five tanmtr
Five tanmatra - five planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus and Saturn)
Guntmaka - atma (self) with qualities = Moon.
Ahamkara Sense of self/self identiy = Sun
Buddhi Rahu. This refers to the Buddhi which causes
one to THINK one is different from Paramatman
(Refer:Adi Sankaras commentary of Gita).
BPHS, krakdhyya, loka 6 & 7
HltP4lTF69 9l+ T46 |=
B 94 =l6T|Hl |44l |=BP+
4l l 9|B&l7|F6 +lTl ||69lT-
B44l6l|Tll 4-T-Pl 46 4l+
tmakhyrakasteu pradhna kathyete dvija |
sa eva jtakadhio vijayo dvijasattama ||
yath bhgau prasiddhoasti nar kitiplaka |
sarvavrtdhikr ca bandhaknmokakrat yath ||
The tmakaraka enjoys a pre-eminent position among the
planets and represents divinity in the horoscope (i.e. the
Ista Devata in the Hindu tradition). It is the controller
of the affairs of the native and the sustainer, like a
king, deciding and guiding the affairs of his subjects. Its
disposition in to be examined for bondage & liberation
(i.e. emancipation). - Translation by Pt. Sanjay Rath
Which house shows moksha?
Twelfth house shows moksha and also lack of the
same, namely bandhana. This must be seen from
Atmakaraka always.
In the rasi (d1) it shows physical bondage or freedom
In navamsa (d9) it shows real moksha
In dasamsa (d10)it shows the bondage in career.
Similarly see other divisional charts for education
(d24), propperty (d4) wealth (d2), etc.
In shastyamsa (d60) it shows the cause for your rebirth
in this life
Jail or?
Type of Bandhana?
Bandhana or?
Bandhana or?
atardrasahit ivamrtivaranaAdhyaya II
tasya ambho pareasya mrtyaakamaya jagat|
tasminvypya sthita viva stre maiga iva|| 2||
The entire creation comprises of the eight forms of ambhu (iva, self
created) who pervade and reside in the universe like the pearls in
the string.
arvo bhavastath rudra ugro bhma pao pati|
naca mahdevo mrtayacavirut|| 3 ||
These eight presiding [forms of iva] are arva Bhava, Rudra, Ugra,
Bhma, Paupati, na and Mahdeva.
adhihitca arvdyairaaruapai ivasya hi|| 4 ||
These eight preside over pthvi, jala, agni, vyu, ka, ketraja, arka
(Sun w.r.t pra) and the moon.
kriyate yasya kasypi dehino yadi nigraha|
aamrttenia tatktameva na saaya|| 15 ||
Whenever karma results in suppression, confinement, aversion,
punishment or suffering to another, know for sure that one of the
eight forms of iva has been hurt and offended.
aamrtytman vivamadhihysthita ivam|
bhajasva sarvabhvena rdra paramakraam|| 16 ||
These eight tma forms are the source of the universe and are
auspicious. Therefore adoration of r iva (aa tma form) removes
the blemishes of such karma sticking to the soul as He is the
primordial cause.
Atmalinga Mantra
Graha Aamrti Bja Mantra
Sun Ina sa
Moon Mahdeva a
Mars Rudralinga ra
Mercury Srvalinga la
Jupiter Bhimalinga ha
Venus Bhvalinga va
Saturn Ugralinga ya
Rhu Paupati ka
A mother, can save her own
child from bondage by
1) keeping a picture of the
child next to Shiva.
2) Lighting a lamp.
3) offering flowers,
sandalpaste, food and
Thereafter meditate on the
bija mantra of the childs
atmakaraka planet.
You can do this for anyone!
Be choosy dont liberate
people from a jail unless
you are sure they will
become better people
outside of the jailcell. If in
doubt then dont do it.
Ketu grants moksha
BPHS, krakaphaldhyya, loka 64&65
krakd vyayasthne svabhnyasthe ubhahhe |
adgatijyato tasya ubhalekamavpnuyt ||
krakda vyaye ketau cubhakheayutekhite |
tad tu jyate mukti syujyapadampnuyt ||
If exalted planets or planets in own sign (i.e. 12
itself) or natural benefics are placed in the 12th house
from Kraka, the soul transmigrates to beneficial
world after death. If Ketu is so placed and only aspected
or joined benefics, final emancipation (from the cycle of
rebirth) shall be obtained.
Brhat Parasara Hora Shastra, - Translation by Sanjay Rath
In Navamsa the twelfth from Atmakaraka reveals which form of
God will give you Moksha.
If Ketu is associated with this form, Moksha CAN be attained
through this.
No answers are final when it comes to predicting moksha, but Ketu indicates
the great void, nirvana or mahashunya, which is experienced during
Samadhi and which grants siddhis due to the blessings of Ganesha.
Worship the Devata of graha(s) associated with Ketu to attain deeper spiritual
If these are associated with twelfth from karakamsa (AK in navamsa) then
enlightenment and moksha is achieved.
If with Bhratrikaraka then inner-yoga with the Guru is achieved (pratibha).
Devata giving Mukti?
Devata giving Mukti?
Devata giving mukti?
Bandhana in career?
Bandhana in education?
Bandhana in court battles?
Bandhana in finances?
What caused this persons rebirth

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