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ADA Accessibility Evaluation Report RHAB 3100

Please answer the following questions based on your experience using the ADA checklist and submit this report to blackboard. 1. Name of business/agency evaluated: 2. Date and time of evaluation: 3. Your estimate of or actual age of building: (new construction, historic site, 30 years old, etc.) 4. Parking area: a. Number of accessible parking spaces: b. Does this number meet accessibility guidelines? c. Where are the accessible spaces located in relation to the building? 5. Number of floors in building: 6. Is the front entrance accessible? a. Note any problem areas with the entrance: b. If not, is there an alternative accessible entrance and where is it located 7. Number of restrooms in building available to the public: a. Of these, number that meet access guidelines: b. Note exceptions to access guidelines that you found, if any: 8. Is signage provided in Braille? Large print? 9. Number of elevators: 10. What is your overall impression of this location? What recommendations would you make to improve access to this location?

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