Personal Statement

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Being a student of KYUEM has challenged my true potential and ability in various aspects of my life.

As a high committee member of our batch first ever task, CP (cultural performance), has taught me that I can do anything that I put my mind to despite the fact that I do not have any experience at all in this field. But that does not mean that I should not try and do my best. Moreover, being a committee member in various societies such as the Diamond house, Islamic Cultural Appreciation Night (ICAN) and Green Thumb has also made me realize that the leader is not the most important person. It is the people that make up the group that determines its success. This is why being a good follower is not just hard but also crucial.

Nevertheless with the college activities especially the Bangsawan (Malay theatre), I need to be more efficient in terms of time management as this grand event take most of my free time day and night during the preparation. But then, all the activities are beneficial as this is what I am going to face in the real world. So this is just like an early introduction so that I will be more prepared for the tough university and career life. In addition I am also able to enhance my communication skill, which I believe is very important in order to be a competent member of the society.

I had always been fascinated by the biodiversity of the world around us. The complexity of the ecosystem makes me realize that even non-living particles are essential in maintaining the stability of the whole system. This in particular is the reason for me to pursue a degree in BIOLOGY. I wish to have the opportunity to go deeper in this particular branch of natural sciences. The chance to get myself involved

fieldworks or experiments inside and outside the laboratory would help me understand of the whole course better or may be go beyond it.

To me it would be easier to understand Biology if I apply the everyday life event in my study. This is logical as we are part of the whole ecosystem too. By doing this, the learning process will be more fun and interesting. Likewise my knowledge in Biology has done me a good turn throughout my First-Aid training in secondary school, especially when doing the CPR. Being part of the Red Crescent Society is actually like a biology fieldwork to me as I was able to practice my biological knowledge and get to be hands on.

Even though Biology is my main interest, it does not stop me from developing my knowledge in other natural sciences such as Chemistry. To me, it is not rigorous to study science on its own as they are interrelated and interconnected with each other. Extra input of other sciences is like an additional benefit so that my understanding in Biology would be more thorough and explicit.

Other than Biology, my interest in human behaviour started to build up when I take Sociology at AS level. Biology is like an advantage for me to understand sociology study. The way the organs mutually work and support each other to maintain the function of our body system, is similar to the way the social institutions work together to ensure the solidarity of the society. Furthermore sociology had caused me to reinforce my view towards society and its members. In a way my perspectives on life

has changed rapidly. My thinking had become more diverse and fluid. I no longer simply judge other things based on my naked eyes. My mind is now more open towards opinions and criticisms of other. Personally, the multiplicity of thinking would favour a lot in scientific experiment, as researchers will be more open towards various types of scientific methods and the possible outcomes. This is what I wish to be able to perform in my own biological research.

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