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As we all know, shit rolls downhill.

The following diagram illustrates exactly how this process takes place in investment banks.


At the top of the hill is the Client. Generally, the Client, in one way or another, generates the shit.

The shit first reaches the MD. But MDs are very adept at smelling shit coming, and say, Im a MD, I dont have to take this shit. And so the shit rolls on by.

Now the shit reaches the Director. Its picking up some speed by now, and the Director gets splashed. Phew, this shit stinks, says the Director, better pass it down.

So the shit washes over the VP, and he gets well dipped in shit. But by this time, the shit has a lot of momentum, and it keeps rolling down.


And so the shit lands on the Associate. And the Associate gets covered in it, and spends the entire engagement swimming in it.


The Analysts are shielded from the shit by the Crest of Ignorance, which keeps shit from rolling down on them, and ensures that the Associates remains submerged.

Crest of Ignorance Associate


Meanwhile, however, the Analysts discover more shit as they proceed with the engagement. Not sure what to do with it, they conceal it in the Cave of Unreported Exceptions.

Cave of Unreported Exceptions


After a while, the cave gets filled with shit, and it starts to ferment. Then the Associate begins to smell hidden shit, and wonders Dammit, now whos been hiding shit?

Fermented shit Analysts

So, next time youre a Associates on an engagement, and you wonder why your life seems like shit, just refer to the diagram.


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