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Ad hoc

From the Latin meaning for the purpose of. E.g. an ad hoc committee is a special committee set up with a special purpose Transactions or items drawn up for discussion at a meeting An alteration to a motion by the addition, deletion or modification of words A statutory meeting held once a year which the organizations entire membership is eligible to attend Often the last item in a meeting, when participants discuss issues not on the agenda Excuses given in advance for inability to attend a meeting The situation in which most or all of the people at the meeting agree about something Present on invitation to give expert help, advice or information but with no voting rights A formal record of the proceedings of a meeting A formal proposal moved by a member that a certain topic be discussed at a meeting and certain action be taken upon it A member may be appointed to vote by proxy, i.e. on behalf of another member who is unable to attend a meeting, subject to the articles, standing orders or constitution

2. 3. 4.

A genda Amendment Annual general meeting (AGM)

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Any other business (AOB) Apologies for absence Consensus In attendance Minutes

10. Motion

11. Proxy

12. Quorum 13. Resolution 14. Tabled

The minimum number of persons that must be present at a meeting to make it valid A passed motion The description applied to a document to be presented to a committee on the table not one which has been included with the agenda and supporting papers The minutes of the previous meeting been set, circulated to the members before the meeting and therefore no actual reading takes place A decision or statement that every on agrees with; all being in favor of the motion

15. Taken as read

16. Unanimous Page 3 Meeting Terminology

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