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Mohammad Agus Salim El Bahri

English as international language has realized people as a vital medium of
communication. In international congress and gatherings, English is more often
used than any other language.
Nowadays, Globalization era has been in our surrounding, we must be
brave to face it. The role of foreign language has been important at the time,
especially English language as international language. We are encountered with
condition that force us to be more transparant in understanding what is taking
place on the other side of the earth. We are competition with the fast growing
technology, while the distance among the countries is practically gone. There is
nearly boundless relationship between two countries, what is happening now at
one place in this world will be heard and known in seconds by the other people in
far away of place. It means that we are facing hard competition and we may not
left behind.
The development technology right now, on the way. It can influence on
human life at all sectors. Information technology has been used from education
sector until business, many information of intellectual, practical, technical, and
entertainment are promoted on electronic audio visual as on television, radio, and
Television as one of a prove of modern technology has given many
advantages for human life. By watching television people can know everything
about news, entertainments, etc in far away of place. And television has become
an effective medium to transfer knowledge, information, and culture, habit even
life style.
Most people in our environment think that development technology has
brought more negative effect than the positive one, such as – television, internet,
and VCD/DVD player. Through this paper the writer wants to tell the readers to

see the positive side of watching television in learning English

There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie.
The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. by
watching people can know the current things. English movie are very develop
nowadays and known in Indonesia because of the effect of globalization era on
information sector.
The second, watching English movie is very advantages for English
students, not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English.
Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie
such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit
A. Definition
1. Pronunciation
As human being, we always get in touch with other people such as- our
parent, friends, teachers and any body else wherever and whenever even
foreigners. But how we do it? Surely, we carry it out by speaking, what
sort of tools do we use to speak? to answer this question, every body is
bound to know it obviously that we use language to speak and in
speaking, we need the way of word or language is usually spoken that is
called pronunciation, there are many definition of pronunciation :
According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk (1987; 830) in Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English said that:
“Pronunciation is the way in which a language or particular word
is pronounced “

And according to As Hornby (2005; 928) in Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary of Current English said that:
“Pronunciation is way in which a language is spoken “
While in (021206):
“Pronunciation is a word can be spoken in different ways by
various individuals or groups, depending on many factors, such as the

time in which they grew up, the area in which they grew up, the area
in which they now live, their social class and their education”
Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that pronunciation
is a sound of a word or language in which the society are usually used as
tool of communication.
According to J.D.O.Connor (1967:6-7) in Better English Pronunciation
said that:
In one sense there are as many different kinds of English as there
are speakers of it ; no two people speak exactly alike- we can always
differences between them-and the pronunciation of English varies a
great deal in different geographical area.
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the differences
of English pronunciation can be caused by the habit where the people live
or geographical area.
The fact that we always find when foreigners are speaking in English,
they have different pronunciation, intonation and etc. the listeners can
predict where they come from. We can know them how they speak, either
Australian, British or American.
In communication, we must always pay attention the aspect of
pronunciation: sound, stress, rhythm, and intonation. So, pronunciation is
used to more clearly communication or conversation. A speaker knows
how to pronounce the sound correctly. For incorrect pronunciation makes
the listeners boring, unpleasant feeling, not interested. It might cause also
loosing the listener’s attention.
2. English movie
Movie is one of entertainment which can not be separated in our life
now. It is also become a medium to describe about human life and all
aspect of problem; it can be retell a story or event in the last time. By
watching movie, we can know about habit, culture or language in the
world. Many people spend their time in front of television just to watch
movie, entertainment, news etc. The reality, movie has great influence on

audiences’ life. Because movie is universal form for communication. In

this chapter, the writer will explain about English movie. Before it, it will
be explained about movie. There are many definition of movie:
According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk (1987; 380) in Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English said that:
“Movie is a story, play etc recorded on film to be show in the
cinema, on television etc”
While in film. (021206)
“Film is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by a sequence
of image giving the illusion of continuous movement “
According to As Hornby (1995; 434) in Oxford Advanced learner’s
Dictionary of Current English, said that:
“Film is a story etc recorded as set of moving pictures to be shown
on television or at the cinema “.
Based on the definitions, it can be concluded movie is a story etc
recorded which is done by people and to be presented on television or at
the cinema.
So, English movie is a story of western life (European or American)
which has been presented on television or at the cinema and become
Television as media to present the movie has many functions,
according to Dr. Oemar Hamalik, which is rewritten by Drs. Darwanto,
SS. In Televisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan (2007; 125) said that function
of television as learning media:
1. The character of television are real and direct
2. Television can be enlarge class observation
3. Television can be re-create all the last event
4. Television gives anything
5. Television makes interested, not only children
but also all people.
6. Television helps to teachers.

7. Television brings all sources in society into the

class room.
Based on the function of television as learning media, it can be
concluded that television can give solution in lack of teachers, learning
room and books.
As we know in Indonesia, some of television has presented
English programs as broadcasting, news and movie. Their aim to give
education and information by English language. So, the audiences are
used to hearing and watching English language as one of public
communication in the world.
Learning through television has many advantages. The first, the
audiences can learn knowledge which has been good design. The second,
it can increase children’s appreciation. According Oemar Hamalik in
Media Pendidikan which is rewritten by Drs. Darwanto, SS. In Televisi
Sebagai Media Pendidikan. (2007; 126) said that:
“A communication, television is unique in its ability to bring
many other sides in class room. Every audio visual help we have
known can be carried by television, motion pictures, film strip, slide
(particularly to provides setting for dramatic production ),
recording, drawings, maps, and countless other instructional device
more over it given school opportunity to present fresh, original,
creative illustration produced in the living present”
Based on Oemar Hamalik’s opinion, it can concluded that
television as learning media , so the students can learn any things through
television program, specially education program. According to Drs.
Darwanto, SS (2007; 131). In Televisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan said
that the effects of television to student are:
1. Television can influence on the children / students to
learn knowledge based on their thinking.
2. Television helps to students to understand about
anything that has never done before.

3. Television as leading spirit to study about

4. Television as leading spirit to children to be scientist.
In this era, television has been mass media, because in sort time, the
role of television has influence on the way of people’s thinking; include
public opinion to interest industrial products. Be caused the programs on
television more interest, so many people spend their time to watch it.
Finally, television will influence on audience’s attitude, behavior, and the
way of thinking.
The functions of mass media include television according to Dr.
Harold D. Laswell (2007; 32-33) in Televise Sebagai Media Pendidikan
said there are many main function of mass media:
a. The surveillance of the environment.
b. The correlation of the parts of society in responding to
the environment.
c. The transmission of the social heritage from one
generation to the next. (Harold, D. Laswell, 1948; 38)
Based on Dr. Harold D. Laswell, it can be concluded that the function of
mass media are:
a. Mass media as giving information about something
unusual on public.
b. Mass media to do selection, evaluation and
interpretation from information.
c. Mass media as media to convey moral value and
heritage from one generation to the next generation. It
means mass media as educational function.
While according to Charles R. Wright (2007; 33) in Televisi Sebagai
Media Pendidikan said:
“Communicative act primarily intended for amusement irrespective
of any instrumental effects the might have “(Charles R. Wright, 1959;
38 in Mass Communication A Sociological Perspective)

It means mass media as entertainment, be caused of it people read

newspaper, listening radio and watching television.
According to Wilbur Schramm (2007; 33) in Televisi Sebagai Media
Pendidikan said mass media as promotion media:
“To sell goods for us”
Based on those opinion above, Drs. Darwanto, S.S (2007; 34) in Televisi
Sebagai Media Pendidikan, concluded that mass media has function.
They are:
a. As news and providing
information media
b. As educational media
c. As entertainment media
d. As promotion media
Television as entertainment, educational and information media has
influenced on society life. They get many things such as – habit, culture,
knowledge, style etc. As audience is easy to imitate what they hear and
In this case, English movie has important role to teach audiences
how to pronounce the language or word correctly. By watching English
movie are expected to students to imitate what the actors or actress said
and increasing into their vocabulary and know how to pronounce
3. Habit
As human being, we always find diversity of culture, habit, character,
behavior and language. Diversity makes us know how to adapt and
makes relationship with other people. The important thing in diversity
how to respect each other and mutual understanding.
Everyone has difference habit; it is easy to makes social conflict. If
there are not mutual understanding and tolerance each other. One of the
ways to get mutual understanding by learning a habit in environment,
such as - daily language which is used as tool of communication. Habit

can be caused by environment, life style, etc. in this chapter there are
many definition of habit:
According to Professor Sir Rondolph (1987; 469) in Longman
Dictionary of Contemporary English said that:
“ habit is a tendency to be have in particular way or particular thing,
especially regularly and repeatedly over a long period “.
While in (120107)
a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior
that is acquired through frequent repetition.
b. An established disposition of mind or character.

According to As Hornby (1995; 533) in Oxford Advanced learner’s

Dictionary said that:
“Habit is a thing that person does often and almost without
While in (120107)
“A prevailing disposition or character of person’s thought and
feeling: mental make up”
Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that habit is all
activities that done repeatedly for a long time without thinking.
According to J.D.O.Connor (1967; 01) in Better English pronunciation
said that:
“Language starts with the ear. When a baby stars to talk he does it
by hearing the sound his mother makes and imitating them “.
So, it can be concluded that Language is habit:
a. Speaking is mouth-action: so, you must use your mouth.
b. Reading is mouth and eye-action: so, you must use your
c. Listening is ear-action: so, you must use your ear.
d. Writing is hand-action: so, must use your action.
Someone can speak depend on hearing, but just hearing, it is not

enough, she or he must listen to it, and it is not for the meaning but for
the sound of it. It means that language is habit. Make it habit, she or he
will get it. If she or he wants to speak fluently she or he must has habit in
speaking. Speaking is mouth-action, being fussy will make better in
It is also needed more practice and a great deal of patience in learning
English as foreign language. Environment has important role to be
success in learning language, because a good environment is not a luxury,
but a necessity. It means that learning language needs a habit in
environment. So, to success in learning language, we must live in area in
which the language is used.
B. Function
Language is very important for human life. English language is one of
the tools of communication in international community. Therefore, English is
needed here because not only English is used to communicate in international
community, but also the fact that this language is mostly needed in transferring
the knowledge of modern technology, scientific publications, books,
newspaper and magazine.
In learning a language especially in conversation, it is needed a good
pronunciation. In the other word, a good pronunciation will influence on a
good conversation.
Learning English needs some goods ways to understand more easily.
There are many ways to study English; one of the ways is by watching English
It is necessity to consider the role of watching English movie. By
watching English movie, the student does not only get an entertainment, but
also can learn English language. More than that, English movie is able to
make the situation enjoyable, pleasurable, and interesting. Watching English
movie will be an effective medium to encourage the students in learning
English especially in conversation with right pronunciation.
According to Hudoro Sumeto, MBA (2003; 35) in Kiat Menguasai

Bahasa Asing, said that:

“The role of radio and television are also very importance in
learning foreign language. Because by listening and watching television,
we are used to hearing pronunciation and speaking from foreign language
which we learn. We can hear news or film which are presented by both of
them. In listening or watching, we learn to understand what the people
said and also increase vocabulary “.
According to J.D.O.Connor (1967; 05) in better English pronunciation
said that:
“Films or radio programs have the disadvantages that you can not
stop them and ask for something to be repeated. Gramophone records do
not have this advantage. With gramophone records you can repeat any
part of the text as you need, and you must do this : it is much better for
you ear if you listen to the same passage six times than if you listen to six
different passage; be careful – listen closely each time, don’t relax after
two or three hearings, try to keep your ears as closely concentrated on the
sound of the passage at the sixth hearing as at the first. In this way you
will build up a store of sound-memory which will form a firm base for
you performance “.
The role of listening conversation in learning language, either through
television, radio, tape recorder, movie or other tool is very importance for
audience’s memory. By listening native speaker, we used to with vocabulary
pronunciation, intonation and also grammatical of sentence. So, the audiences
are expected to imitate what the native speaker said.
Reference lists:
Connor J.D.O “Better English Pronunciation“Cambridge at the University
Press 1967
Darwanto, SS, Drs “Televisi Sebagai Media Pendidikan “Pustaka Pelajar,
Yogyakarta, 2007
Harnby As “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English “Oxford
University press, 1995

Sir Randolph Quirk Professor “Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

“Longman Group UK Limited, 1987
Sumeto, Hudoro, MBA. “Kiat Menguasai Bahasa Asing “Puspa Swara,
Anggota Ikapi Jakarta, 2003


Now, he is studying at Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University of Yogyakarta
Indonesia. He comes from Madura Island East Java Indonesia

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