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This series shows different ways of presenting information visually. Use the worksheet to answer the questions.

Q1. Which is the biggest ethnic group in the US? Q2. Do more hispanics live in rural areas or urban areas in the US?

Business use of the Internet

Q 3. What is the most common use of the Internet for businesses? Q4. What percentage of Internet use is for selling products?
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Q 5. What percentage of Internet users are elderly people? Q6. What is the biggest group of users of the Internet?
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Physically Active People Have Fewer Symptoms of Depression

Adapted from Evaluation of Smoking on the Physical Activity and Depression Symptoms Relationship, Brown et al, Medecine and Science in Sports and Exercise, February, 1996

Q 7. Which group have the fewest symptoms of depression? Q8. Which group have the most symptoms of depression?

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Q9. In the Middle East, which country has the largest oil reserves? Q10. Outside the Middle East, which region has the biggest oil reserves?

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Q11. What is found directly above oil? Q12. What is found directly below oil?

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World Oil Central and South America

Q13. In 1990, which country produced more crude oil: Columbia or Argentina? Q14. In which year did Columbias oil production start to increase? Link to File:

Q15. Which countrys crude oil production didnt change a lot over the 18 year period? Q16. Which country consistently produced more crude oil than any other country? Link to File:

Source: International Energy Annual, Table 2.2 Source: International Energy Annual, Table 2.2 Source: International Energy Annual, Table 2.2

Q17. In which year did Saudi oil production substantially increase? Q18. In which year did Iraqi oil production substantially decrease?

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Q21. Which group of people use the Internet the most? Q22. Which group uses the Internet the least?


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Q23. What is waste brine used for? Q24. What is steam used for?

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Q25. Which shaft connects the Treatment Plant to the Storage Projects? Q26. Which county is served by Shaft L?


Q27. Of these three substances, which is an element? Q28. Which compound does not contain any Carbon? Link to File:


Q29. What is bitumen chiefly used for? Q30. What is the lightest fluid from this process used for? Link to File:


Q 31. What represents the biggest percentage of the cost of this project? Q32. What represents the second largest percentage of the cost of this project?
Advanced Software Engineering


Q33. What percentage of the cost of this project is not concerned with production? Q34. What percentage of the costs of this project is taken up by paying men to do jobs? Link to File:
Advanced Software Engineering


Q35. Who is the tallest in the bus queue? Q36. Who is the second tallest in the group? Link to File:


Q37. In which year did incidence of tornadoes first number more than 1000? Q38. In which years did the numbers of tornadoes increase the most sharply? The independent variable is the year. It changes no matter what happens to tornadoes. The dependent variable is the total number of tornadoes. It changes depending on the year.

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Q39. In which months is discharge fairly stable? Q40. In which two months is discharge the highest?

Now check your answers on the next Presentation.

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