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Case presentation


A 48 yr old lady, house wife ; was seen on 28 may 2012

Chief Complaint
Diminution of vision in right eye since 1 year Deviation of right eye noticed by the family members since 1 year

History of presenting illness

Gradual painless progressive loss of vision in right eye Both for distance and near since past 1 year Associated with deviation of right eye noticed by family members Vision was good during childhood and middle age. No h/o trauma, redness No h/o diplopia, No night vision problems No h/o systemic illness(DM/HTN)/hospitalisation for major illness No h/o ocular surgery

Personal history: married, 2 children Systemic examination : well oriented to time place and person Medical history: NAD Treatment history: NAD

Ocular examination
Right Eye
Vision- Uncorrected DistanceNearPinhole DistanceNear-

Left Eye
CF-2 mt Distance6/36RS CF NearNI 6/60 Distance6/18RS CF Near+0.50 DS +1.75 6/6p 6/9RS

Vision Best corrected

6/6p 6/6RS

Subjective correction

+0.50DS/-1 @9o Near add +1.75

Anterior segment examination


Anterior segment examination

RIGHT EYE HEAD POSTURE FASCIAL SYMMETRY OCULAR SYMMETRY LIDS and ADNEXA CORNEA ANTERIOR CHAMBER IRIS PUPIL normal normal 15 deg exotropia normal clear and normal normal depth and content normal surface round regular and reactive to direct and consensual light reflex clear and normal normal clear and normal normal depth and content normal surface round regular and reactive to direct and consensual light reflex clear and normal LEFT EYE normal normal


Extraocular movements
Heirschbergs test- 15 degree exotropia in right eye

Indirect Ophthalmoscopy

Indirect Ophthalmoscopy

Right Eye

Right eye Red Free

Right eye red free

Left Eye

Fundus Fluorescein Angiography

Early Phase

Arterial Phase

Venous Phase

Late Phases
2 minutes 5 minutes

Left Eye

Venous Phase

Late phase

Optical coherence tomography

Right Eye

Right EyeTemporal optic disc pit with Serous retinal detachment and nasal retinoschisis with foveal scar; Exotropia; Myopic astigmatism with presbyopia Left Eye- Presbyopia

Right eyePars plana Vitrectomy with ILM peeling and Gas Tamponade- GVP

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