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Profile Passionate teacher who puts students rst. Develops positive relationships built out of mutual respect and trust. Innovative and creative in delivery with a desire to satisfy the needs of twenty-rst century learners. Critical thinker who embraces the idea of team. Education University of Alberta Bachelor of Education, 2002

address 1259 Long Ridge Drive Kelowna, BC tel cel em 250.448.4275 250.801.6576


St. Albert Protestant Schools Substitute Teacher Grades 3-12

cole Paul Kane High School St. Albert, AB Grades 10-12 Physical Education, Social Studies, Science, Woodworking, Sports Performance

Lorne Akins Junior High School St. Albert, AB Grades 7-9 Social Studies, Outdoor Education, Physical Education, Drama

cole Paul Kane High School Grades 10-12 Physical Education, Forestry, Career & Life Management (Summer School)

Dr. Knox Middle School Kelowna, BC Grades 7-9 Physical Education, Math Science, English, Rec. Leadership, Transitions

Mount Boucherie Secondary School, Kelowna, BC Grades 10-12 Behavior Intervention Teacher, Social Studies, First Nations Studies, Leadership

Central Programs & Services Kelowna, BC Grades 10-12 Applied Digital Communications, Planning, Family Studies, Physical Education

References Al Lalonde Principal, Central Programs & Services 250.868.1135 Roger Scott Principal, Lorne Akins Junior High School 780.460.3728

Skills/Training WCB Standard OFA1 Level 1 Occupational First Aid Attendant. BCESIS Level 2 Training Experience working with moderate to severe behavioral students and the 116H/117R process. Experience with technology including SmartBoards, laptops, mobile devices, computers, web 2.0 tools, video conferencing, LMSs, and E-Portfolios. Experience with the Collaborative Model of Support, Collaborative Problem Solving and Quality Assessment Practices. NCCP Level 3 basketball coach.

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