CGM Error List

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Error Code List

Console Agent Custom Message Console IGM CMCHI21 Acknowledgment Error Code
ERR_CD 000 001 002 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 032 033 034 035 038 000 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 ERR_DESC Consol IGM Submitted Message Type can be F/A only Consol not submitted .Amendment can not be filed Master has already been submitted, Go for Amendment CARN Number /Airline Code not Registered Master Airway Bill No is NULL CARN Number /Airline Code not Registered Master No. has wrong check digit Master No. has wrong airline code/check digit Master No. has special character Master No. has wrong airline code/Sp. char. exists Master No. has wrong check digit/Sp. char. exists Master No. has wrong check digit/airline cd/Sp. char. exists Port of Origin is NULL Port of Origin not valid in consol master Port of Destination is null Port of Destination not valid in consol master Total Package in consol master cannot be NULL or Zero/Negative Gross weight cannot be NULL or Zero/Negative Item Description cannot be NULL Message Type can be F/S/A/D only in this hawb No House Airway Bill Number NULL House contains Special Characters Port of Origin is null in house Port of Origin not valid in consol house Port of Destination is null in this house Port of Destination not valid in consol this house Total Packages is NULL/Zero/Negative in this house Gross Weight is Null/Zero/Negative in this house Item Description cannot be Null in this house Found Duplicate House Detail found in this house No of Packages at consol master Can not be more than consol Houses Diff of Gross wt is more/less 10% between Master and Houses Levels House level Data is not there for this job Consol is Multiple file with correct igm no Consol IGM Submitted Crago Details Validated Incorrect Message Type Consigm Number/Date cannot be NULL Incorrect Consigm No. /Date - Does not Exist Line Number cannot be NULL Line No is Zero/Negative Incorrect Line No. - Does not Exist

207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253

SubLine Number cannot be NULL SubLine No is Zero/Negative Incorrect Subline No. - Does not Exist Vessel Code cannot be Amended Voyage No cannot be Amended Port of Destination is Incorrect Port of Shipment in Incorrect Port of Shipment is same as Port of Destination Nature of Cargo is incorrect This Amendment NOT ALLOWED! - DELETE this Line and ADD correct Line as Supplement This Amendment NOT ALLOWED! - DELETE the Container Details and then do the Amendment Gross weight/Unit cannot be NULL or Zero/Negative when nature cargo is DB/C/P/CP Gross Volume / Unit should be null when nature cargo is DB/C/P/CP Gross Volume/Unit cannot be Null/Zero/Negative when nature cargo is LB Gross Weight / Unit should be null when nature cargo is LB Cargo Movement is Wrong Port Dest is Invalid for Cargo Mvnt=LC Port Dest is Invalid for Cargo Mvnt=TC/TI Port Dest is Invalid for Cargo Mvnt=TI Port Dest is Invalid for Cargo Mvnt=TC Unit of Quantity is incorrect Unit of Volume is incorrect Total Package cannot be NULL/Zero/Negative Package Code is incorrect Both UNO and IMCO Code should be NULL or should not be NULL Invalid UNO code Item Type is incorrect Cargo Details not found HBL No. can not be NULL Port of Destination cannot be NULL Port of Shipment cannot be NULL BL Number cannot be NULL BL No has Special Characters BL Date cannot be NULL BL Date cannot be greater than arrival date BL Date cannot be greater than today's date BL Date cannot be older than ONE YEAR House BL No. should be NULL Nature Cargo can not be NULL Cargo Movement can not be NULL Package Code can not be NULL Marks and Numbers cannot be NULL Goods Description cannot be NULL Importer Name cannot be NULL Importer Address cannot be NULL UNO Code cannot be NULL

254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 291 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310

IMCO Code cannot be NULL Item Type can not be NULL Mode Transport cannot be NULL for Transhipment cargo in line no. Carrier Code is Incorrect Incorrect Bond No Wrong Mode of Transport Incorrect MLO Code Duplicate Cargo SubLine Duplicate HBL NO. exists in SubLine Number Duplicate SubLine NO. exists for HBL No All Containers Rejected Message type is Not matching in vessel and Cargo details Consigm Number/Date cannot be given in Fresh IGM Vessel code And voyage no is Not matching in vessel and Cargo details HBL Date can not be NULL HBL Number cannot be NULL if HBL date is given HBL No has Special Characters HBL Date cannot be NULL if HBL No. is given SubLine NO. already exists with same HBL No HBL Date cannot be greater than arrival date HBL Date cannot be greater than today's date HBL Date cannot be older than ONE YEAR No Container for Containerised Cargo Container given for Non-Containerised Cargo Unit of quantity cannot be NULL Invalid IMCO Code Destination Code cannot be NULL Destination Code is invalid Destination Code cannot be Amended House BL Date. should be NULL BL Number cannot be Amended BL Date cannot be Amended Cargo Supplement Rejected Cargo Deletion Submitted Cargo Supplement Submitted Cargo Amendment Submitted Container Details Validated Incorrect Message Type Consigm Number/Date cannot be NULL Incorrect Consigm No. /Date - Does not Exist Line No is NULL or Zero/Negative Incorrect Line No. - Does not Exist SubLine No is NULL or Zero/Negative Incorrect Subline No. - Does not Exist Container Number cannot be NULL Incorrect Container No. - Does not Exist Container line exists without Cargo

311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 327 328 329 391 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406

Container line exists for Non-Containerised cargo Container Status can be FCL or LCL or EMP only Vessel Code cannot be Amended Voyage No. cannot be Amended Total Packages cannot be Zero / Negative Container Weight Cannot be Zero/Negative/ NULL Container Weight Cannot be greater than 99.99 tons Invalid ISO Code SOC can be only [Y]es or [N]o Container Details Not Found Container already Exists cannot add Container status cannot be NULL Total Packages should be Zero for Cont Status=EMP ISO Code cannot be NULL Seal No. Cannot be NULL Container Exists with FCL / EMP Status in different Cargo Line Line Rejected Consigm Number/Date cannot be given in Fresh IGM Container Supplement Rejected Container Deletion Submitted Container Supplement Submitted Container Amendment Submitted Late Submittion Pending for Approved Cargo Amendment Submitted and Auto-Approved Cargo Deletion Submitted and Auto-Approved Cargo Supplement Submitted and Auto-Approved Conatiner Amendment Submitted and Auto-Approved Contanier Deletion Submitted and Auto-Approved Container Supplement Submitted and Auto-Approved

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