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Subject: Mathematics
Problem area for
BIII: - Number concepts, fraction, decimal, word problem.
BII: - Number line, fraction, decimal, rounding off, prime numbers.
BI: - Geometry, fraction representation equation.
AIII: - Mensuration and Numerical skills.
AII: - Geometrical concepts and their application, Number sense and Computational
skills, Rational / Irrational numbers and Powers and Roots.
AI: - Mensuration, proportion and percentage.

List of problem areas after revising the assessment sheets

● 40% of the questions asked were not done till August. Usually we do these topics at
the end of the Academic year.
● The students were not able to do questions where they need reasoning and
● Number sense errors in calculation and computation due to lack of concentration.
● Our school’s score in all the topics is more than other school’s average score.
● The question paper in mathematics had all general questions. The students who have
habit of learning with understanding and skills like problem solving has scored better
than others.

Remedial measure: -
Restructuring of teaching methods and lesson plans.
Practice sheets on the problem area topics with more critical thinking questions to be
given once in a month to all classes.
More application questions to be included in the test and assignments.
Holiday homework to be set and given to improve the basic concepts or their
respective difficulty areas.

(Mr.Manoj Sharma)
H.O.D. Mathematics

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