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Performance Management

Wrtsil Bangladesh Ltd.

May, 2012

Wrtsil 09 June 2012 Presentation name / Author, DocumentID:

Improvement Scope
Identifying development needs: To find out the weakness of the organization or the deficiency of certain skills. Then working on it to overcome the weakness/ deficiency.
More emphasis on behavioral area: Energy, excellence, excitement all of the three things need to be developed among the employees & proper reviewing is very much important here. Experts build-up: Since the organization expanded dramatically, so experts for specialized jobs can be developed.

Wrtsil 09 June 2012 Presentation name / Author, DocumentID:

Improvement Scope
Identifying high potential employees:
To ensure the continuity of strategic leadership and to enable the best utilization of high potentials. Job rotation: To keep the employee away from complacency and boredom of routine. Stimulating human mind through diversity of challenges is a sure way to bring to forefront its creative instincts and in taking the individual and organizational performance to a higher plane. Proper personal development plan: Individual development plan should be designed in such a way that will suit his/her skill. Its better to discuss personally before fixing a development plan for anyone.

Wrtsil 09 June 2012 Presentation name / Author, DocumentID:

Improvement Scope
Regular evaluation: after setting up a target for individual there could be quarterly evaluation. It will be possible to identify whether the person is on right track or not. Necessary suggestion can also be provided for him/her.
Self Assessment: Self assessment provision need to be implemented. Minimize the evaluations error: to minimize the evaluation errors special counseling can be arranged which will help to work the performance management more effectively

Wrtsil 09 June 2012 Presentation name / Author, DocumentID:

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