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What Are The Best Vitamins For Gray Hair?

The most effective vitamins for gray hair are often said to be the B complex vitamins. That's because a deficiency in one or more B vitamins can sometimes be linked to premature gray hair development. The B complex vitamins include: B1 (thiamin) B2 (riboflavin) B3 (niacin) B5 (panthothenic acid) B6 (pyridoxine) Biotin (B7) Folate and folic acid (B9) PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid or vitamin B10) B12 (cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin) Choline

Often, these are all taken together within a good quality B complex formula. The best B complex formulas are those in a form that's safe, easy for the body to absorb, and at a dose that will benefit the body. The B vitamins most often associated with gray hair are

Folate (Folic acid)

Folate is the naturally occurring form of folic acid. Good sources of folate include green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, peas, spinach, etc as well as fortified breakfast cereals. Folate deficiency symptoms can include: Premature hair gray

Mouth and stomach ulcers

Swollen tongue (glossitis)



It's been said that folic acid might help delay gray hair development when taken with vitamin B5 and PABA. Interestingly, gray hair may be a risk factor for stroke or heart attack. And this is also the case for high levels of the amino acid homocysteine within the blood. However, both grey hair and elevated homocysteine levels are possible symptoms of a folate/folic acid deficiency. So, perhaps a folate deficiency explains this apparent connection between gray hair and increased risk of heart disease. High homocysteine levels can be lowered by vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid supplementation. It should also be noted that folic acid can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency, so vitamin B12 should also be taken if folic acid supplements are used.

Vitamin B12
A vitamin B12 deficiency is also quite often associated with premature gray hair. Such a deficiency can develop from your diet as well as from poor absorption: Diet Vitamin B12 is found in meat, milk and eggs, so a strict vegan diet could cause a deficiency. Poor absorption Poor absorption of vitamin B12 can be caused by: Stomach or small intestine surgery.

Intestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease (usually affects the colon or small intestine), diverticulosis (affects the colon), etc.

Low production of "intrinsic factor" (a protein needed by the body to absorb B12).

Pernicious anemia.

Thyroid gland disorders.

Tapeworm (parasitic infestation).

With all these many possible causes of vitamin B12 deficiency, it's quite understandable why B12 is sometimes known as the gray hair vitamin.

Biotin and PABA

Some people say that by using both PABA and biotin for grey hair prevention, that they may help prevent premature gray hair from developing. Biotin may also help stop or treat hair loss. PABA is also said to help in cases where gray hair develops through stress or nutritional deficiency.

Buying vitamins for gray hair

Many B vitamins appear to be interdependent with other B vitamins. That's why they are normally taken together within a B vitamin complex or a Multi vitamin and mineral formula. B complex vitamins should not be seen as simply vitamins for gray hair though - they're also extremely important for the normal functioning of the body. Most people will achieve an adequate level of B vitamins simply by following a normal healthy diet. Some products claim that their proprietary formulas are designed specifically for gray hair. As well as providing the B complex vitamins for gray hair, these products will also contain other beneficial ingredients too (which, of course, will set them apart from other, standard B vitamin supplements). To research two such products, Click Here - Melancor and Reminex. So, can you cure gray hair by taking all these vitamins? No, probably not! But, by supplementing your diet, or simply by getting enough B vitamins from the foods you eat, you might be able to prevent gray hair from starting prematurely, or slow down the rate at which it develops. Apart from vitamins, there are plenty of other natural gray hair remedies you can try at home too. Many people have claimed that these can help prevent gray hair, and even restore your original hair colour... Next page - How To Stop Gray Hair Using Natural Home-Made Remedies.

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