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Power Quality Application Guide

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide 1.2
Current (A)



Copper Development Association

IEE Endorsed Provider
Power Quality Self-assessment Guide
Hans De Keulenaer
European Copper Institute
May 2002

European Copper Institute (ECI)

The European Copper Institute is a joint venture between ICA (International Copper Association) and IWCC
(International Wrought Copper Council) contributing members. Through its membership, ECI acts on behalf of
the world’s largest copper producers and Europe’s leading fabricators in promoting copper in Europe. Formed in
January 1996, ECI is supported by a network of ten Copper Development Associations (‘CDAs’) in Benelux,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Scandinavia, Spain and the UK. It furthers the efforts initially
undertaken by the Copper Products Development Association, formed in 1959, and INCRA (International Copper
Research Association) formed in 1961.

Copper Development Association (CDA)

Copper Development Association is a non-trading organisation sponsored by the copper producers and
fabricators to encourage the use of copper and copper alloys and to promote their correct and efficient
application. Its services, which include the provision of technical advice and information, are available to those
interested in the utilisation of copper in all its aspects. The Association also provides a link between research and
the user industries and maintains close contact with the other copper development organisations throughout the
CDA is an IEE endorsed provider of seminar training and learning resources.

This project has been carried out with the support of the European Community and International Copper
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Copper Development Association

Copper Development Association European Copper Institute
5 Grovelands Business Centre 168 Avenue de Tervueren
Boundary Way B-1150 Brussels
Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TE Belgium
United Kingdom
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Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

This guide allows a quick self-assessment to decide whether your organisation should adopt a Power
Quality (PQ) improvement programme. The list of potential PQ problems is surprisingly long. PQ problems
are complex, and often an expert team needs to be assembled for their diagnosis and solution. Similar
symptoms, such as equipment overheating, can have different causes (harmonics, unbalance,
overloading), and each needs a different solution.

Are you likely to suffer from PQ problems?

Whether or not you’re likely to suffer from power quality problems depends on:
‹ the quality of the voltage supplied by your utility
‹ the types of loads in your installation
‹ the sensitivity of your equipment to various kinds of disturbances

There is no single, generic solution. An optimum techno-economic solution needs to be designed for each
site, taking into account the above three interacting factors. This guide does not address utility issues,
amply covered elsewhere, but focuses on the aspects of power quality which are within the control of a site
operations manager.

Typical problems
The following checklist gives an overview of the most frequently occurring power quality problems.
According to a study performed by European Copper Institute in 2001, covering 1,400 sites in 8 countries,
any given site in Europe has a 5-20 % probability that it will suffer from one or more of the problems listed.
Typically, half of sites in energy-intensive industries or mission-critical office buildings will suffer from two
or more problems. Very few sites are trouble free (see Figure 1).

Computer lockups


Equipment damage (at partial load)

Data processing equipment

PFC overloading

Problems when switching heavy loads

Overheated neutral

Problems with long lines

Nuisance tripping

Utility metering claims

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


Figure 1 - Most prevalent PQ problems, measured at 1,400 sites in 8 countries

Of course, poor power quality is not the cause of every occurrence of the problems listed. For example,
computer lockups can be software related. In addition, attribution of the origin of the problem to causes
either before the meter (i.e. on the supplier’s side of the point of common coupling (PCC)) or after the meter

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

(i.e. on the customer’s installation side of the PCC) is often difficult without detailed measurement and

Computer lockups
Earth current originating in the equipment results in a voltage drop between the equipment and true earth.
Although small, this noise voltage may be significant compared with the signal voltages (of a few volts) on
which IT equipment operates. PC hardware is designed to minimise sensitivity to this kind of disturbance
but it cannot be eliminated entirely, especially as the noise frequency rises. Modern communications
protocols have error detection and correction algorithms built in, requiring retransmission of erroneously
received data - and consequently reducing the data throughput. As a result, PCs will often slow down or
lock-up, a frequent phenomenon in today’s office environments.
In a TN-C network, the combined neutral-earth conductor actively carries current, creating voltage drops.
The earth reference plane of different computers on different floors is no longer at the same potential.
Currents will flow, for example along the shields of data cables, connected to earth at both ends for EMC

Flickering screens
Triple-n harmonic currents sum in the neutral conductor. In a TN-C configuration the neutral and
protective conductor are combined and connected in many places to the structure of the building. As a
result, neutral return currents can flow anywhere in the metal structure of the building and create
uncontrolled and uncontrollable magnetic fields. In extreme cases, these fields can result in flicker of
computer screens. Neutral current always needs to be returned to the point of common coupling using a
separate conductor as in the TN-S and TN-C-S systems. In fact, the discipline of having one and only one
neutral-earth connection point in the installation improves safety and EMC.

Flickering lights
Short duration voltage changes, resulting from switching, short-circuits and load changing can result in
light flicker. The permissible magnitude of light flicker is regulated by International Standards, based on
perception criteria. Excessive flicker can cause migraine and is responsible for some instances of the so-
called ‘sick building syndrome’.

Overheating of transformers at moderate load

Harmonics cause additional losses in the transformer. When the transformer is close to maximum load,
these losses can lead to early failure due to overheating and hot spots in the winding. With the current trend
to push equipment harder to its limits, and the increasing harmonic pollution in low-voltage networks, this
problem is occurring ever more frequently.
Losses in transformers are due to stray magnetic losses in the core, and eddy current and resistive losses in
the windings. Of these, eddy current losses are of most concern when harmonics are present, because they
increase approximately with the square of the frequency. In a typical mixed load building the transformer
eddy current losses will be about 9 times higher than would be expected, approximately doubling the total
load losses. Before the excess losses can be determined, the harmonic spectrum of the load current must
be known.

Induction motors
Voltage harmonics cause extra losses in direct line-connected induction motors. The 5th harmonic creates
a counter-rotating field, whereas the 7th harmonic creates a rotating field beyond the motor’s synchronous
speed. The resulting torque pulsing causes wear and tear on couplings and bearings. Since the speed is

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

fixed, the energy contained in these harmonics is dissipated as extra heat, resulting in premature ageing.
Harmonic currents are also induced into the rotor causing further excess heating. The additional heat
reduces the rotor/stator air gap, reducing efficiency even further.
Variable speed devices cause their own range of problems. They tend to be sensitive to dips, causing
disruption of synchronised manufacturing lines. They are often installed some distance from the motor,
and cause voltage spikes due to the sharp voltage rise times.
Special care has to be taken at start-up of motors after a voltage dip when the motor is normally operating
at close to full load. The extra heat from the inrush current at start-up may cause the motor to fail.
Optimum sizing of motors should take into account:

‹ that the motor has been designed to run at maximum efficiency at about 70 % load

‹ frequency of voltage dips, and time one can afford to wait to resume motor operation.

Overheating of conductors due to skin effect

All harmonics cause additional losses in the phase conductors. The skin effect, which is negligible at 50 Hz,
starts to play a role from 350 Hz (7th harmonic) and upwards. For example, a conductor with 20 mm
diameter has 60 % more apparent resistance at 350 Hz than its dc-resistance. The increased resistance, and
even more, the increased reactance (due to higher frequency), will result in an increased voltage drop and
an increased voltage distortion.

Correct functioning of process control equipment

Severe harmonic distortion can create additional zero-crossings within a cycle of the sine wave, affecting
sensitive measurement equipment. Synchronisation of process control equipment in continuous
manufacturing may be disturbed and PLC devices may lock up.

Data network congestion

Earth leakage currents cause small voltage drops along the earthing conductor. In a TN-C network, the
combined earth-neutral conductor will constantly carry significant current, dominated by triple-n
harmonics. Due to the increasing use of low-voltage signals in IT equipment, bit error rate increases, up to
the point that the entire network locks up. How many large and small, privately owned networks enjoy this
phenomenon almost on a weekly basis? For an unexplained reason, the network locks up, e-mail services
fail, it is no longer possible to print …

Problems with power factor correction equipment

Harmonic frequencies may coincide with resonant frequencies of the combined stray inductance and
power factor correction (PFC) equipment, creating excessive voltage or current and leading to premature
failure. Moreover, as a general problem, measurement devices may not correctly measure the loading of the
PFC, as they incorrectly measure the harmonic content in the current (see Section 3.2.2 of this Guide).

Problems with specific (long) lines or when switching heavy loads

Long lines mean higher impedance, resulting in higher voltage disturbances from inrush currents, for
example when a heavy motor starts up, or when switching on computers. Harmonic currents generated by
variable speed drives, or switch-mode power supplies, located at the end of long lines, result in higher
harmonic voltage distortion. Therefore, upsize long power lines for low voltage drop. As a side benefit,
upsized power lines will have lower losses. When loaded more than 3,000 hours, the economic payback will
be very short.

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

Overloaded neutrals
In a 3-phase circuit, there are 3 active conductors, and a return conductor, which carries the unbalance
between the 3 phases. However, with the triple-n harmonics adding up, significant currents flow in the
neutral conductor. As many neutral conductors have been, in the past, half-sized, this situation can
become critical, even when the phase conductors are operating well below full load.

Nuisance tripping of protective devices

Inrush currents may trip circuit breakers. Circuit breakers may not correctly sum the current contained in
the fundamental and various harmonics and so trip erroneously, or not at all, when they should. Leakage
currents may reach thresholds that cause residual current devices to trip.
The remedies against erroneous tripping must not compromise safety of personnel on-site. The general
solution is to reduce the inrush currents and earth leakage currents by splitting equipment over more
circuits, each feeding fewer loads. Specially designed circuit breakers, that can cope with harmonics,
should be used. Oversizing is never the correct solution.

Utility claims resulting from harmonics affecting supply

Not many utilities charge (yet) for harmonic pollution, as they currently do for reactive power. However,
they may start to do so in the future, as harmonics also lead to sub-optimal exploitation of the electricity
distribution system.

The list of possible solutions for power quality problems is again long and non-complete. Figure 2 lists the
power quality solutions adopted according to a survey of 1,400 sites in 8 countries.

Surge protection


True RMS metering

Equipment derating

Dedicated circuits

Total rewire

Meshed earth

Passive filters

Active conditioner

TN-S rewiring

Upsized neutral

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


Figure 2 - Most prevalent PQ solutions, in terms of % adoption rate at 1,400 sites in 8 countries

It is important to appreciate that there is no single solution to power quality problems. For each type of
problem, there is a range of possible mitigation approaches, several of which could be equally successfully

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

applied. In the real world, it is likely that several problems will co-exist, and the solutions adopted must be
compatible with each other and with the loads that make up the installation. One must beware of the so-
called ‘black-box’ wonder solutions that are sometimes heavily marketed as curing a particular problem in
all circumstances - in general practice, they do not exist! Designers must always seek the optimum mix of
solutions for the problems being experienced and expected to arise in the future in the context of the
installation. These solutions should be robust.
It is important to realise that the electrical load is not static. Differences in duty cycles of equipment and
variations in working patterns contribute to a constantly changing load pattern. A large office building, for
example, may have hundreds of mutations per year so that the ‘harmonic culture’ - the spectrum of
aggregate harmonic currents - in the installation changes constantly. The harmonic profiles from IT
equipment do not average out but, especially for the important third and fifth harmonics, add up.
Operation of short duty cycle equipment, such as lifts and metal working equipment (whether on site or at
neighbouring sites) causes local voltage variations to add to those that originate in the distribution system.
The result is that power quality problems are often statistical in nature and require careful monitoring to
define fully.
The cost of power quality problems, in terms of lost output and disruption varies widely depending on the
type of industry. However, the cost of mitigation measures frequently falls within the typical investment
criteria for business and industry of 2-3 years payback. Of course, the cost of prevention - by avoiding
problems at the initial design stage - is 10-20% of the cost of retrofitting mitigation measures into a working
installation (see Section 2 of this Guide). Unfortunately, for a building in design stage, the nature and size
of the final load is generally unknown so potential power quality problems and their costs are difficult to
quantify. Building a business case for investment in PQ solutions can represent quite a challenge. In the
future, engineers will be able to confidently predict the likely scale of problems and have practical
experience of solving them. At the same time, perhaps building owners and operators will have realised
that prevention is always cheaper than cure.

Surge protection
The number one solution in terms of adoption rate. It is discussed in detail in Section 6 of this Guide
(Earthing and EMC).

UPS (un-interruptible power supply)

Very few sites incoporating significant amounts of IT or process control equipment do not have some kind
of UPS. This can range from one or more simple low power units protecting individual server computers to
a large central unit rated at up to 1 MVA or so. UPS strategy must be carefully thought out because UPS
energy is stored energy and so has incurred substantial extra losses in its production. It is expensive and
should be used selectively. The most frugal approach is to use UPS power only to maintain the server
computers, process control equipment and safety equipment long enough to allow an orderly shutdown
and/or evacuation - this leaves all the client computers and auxiliary plant without power. At the other end
of the spectrum, the UPS may be dimensioned to support virtually the whole operation for the time
required to bring an auxiliary supply on-line. For most situations, the optimum will lie somewhere between
these two extremes. Section 4 of this Guide discusses these issues in more detail.

Back-up generator
Because of the start-up delay, the generator is the second line of defence against power blackouts. This
device is able to provide power to a large portion of loads over a longer period of time.

True RMS measurement

Measuring is knowing. True RMS measured values can be significantly higher than the incorrect values
measured by average reading meters. Fortunately, most of the sites surveyed have a true RMS meter on site.
However, to be completely sure, all measurement instruments must be true RMS instruments.

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

Transformer derating
The practice of derating transformers for harmonic loads is well documented, though not yet widely
understood, in standard IEC 61378-1 ‘Transformers for industrial applications’. It should be noted that the
additional heat generated by harmonic pollution can lead to a spectacular decrease in lifetime. Use of a
K-rated transformer, specially designed to cope with harmonic loads, should be preferred over transformer
derating because the K-rated transformer is designed to have lower eddy current losses. A derated
transformer has larger losses - it is simply oversized so that the resultant heat can dissipate. On a practical
level, it is difficult to maintain the derating of a transformer over its lifetime - as the load grows, the derating
tends to be overlooked and the transformer becomes seriously overloaded.

Motor derating
Voltage unbalance and harmonic voltages result in additional losses in electric motors, so that the motor
cannot be fully loaded up to its rated power. NEMA provides some guidance on how to derate the motor in
the presence of harmonic voltages.
High efficiency motors (Eff1-class) not only save energy and hence money, but they are also more robust
against some of the problems mentioned earlier. Using more and better materials, they run cooler and are
hence better suited to handle the extra heat generated due to harmonics or inrush currents at start-up after
a voltage dip.

Dedicated circuit
Loads that are sensitive to harmonic pollution should be served by dedicated circuits. Heavy loads should
also have their own circuits, in order not to affect other loads during start-up. According to the survey, 25 %
of sites adopt a policy of using dedicated circuits.

Multiple cables for harmonic loads

Apart from the additional heat generated by neutral currents, the effective cross-section of the cable is
reduced because of skin effect, playing a role from the 7th harmonic. Using larger diameter cables is hardly
a solution, since the current will continue to be displaced towards the periphery of the conductor. Hence,
one should use multiple cables, appropriately disposed to maintain balance.

Complete rewiring of the installation

A rather drastic measure (except as part of a major refurbishment), but frequently adopted, as the old
installation has not been designed for coping with modern loads. According to the survey of 1,400
buildings, this solution has been adopted in 24 % of cases.

Zoning of electrical loads

Different types of load have different requirements in terms of EMC, continuity of power supply and safety.
Hence a classification of loads in various categories, each with its own approach for wiring, earthing or
backup, is needed (see Sections 4 & 6).

Meshed earth
Required to provide a low impedance path to earth over a wide range of frequencies (see Section 6), a
meshed earthing system needs to be adopted for each floor, with multiple vertical connections.

Passive filters
A popular solution, that may be applied to individual loads or centrally. When filtering as closely as possible
to the point of generation of the harmonics, one can be sure that filtering remains effective during the many

Power Quality Self-assessment Guide

mutations that typically occur in office buildings. The disadvantage is that more filter capacity is provided
than is actually required (i.e. it makes no allowance for load diversity) and the individual small filters are
more expensive than a centralised one. One benefit is that harmonic currents are limited to a smaller area
of the installation.
On the other hand, a centralised approach allows the combination of passive filters with power factor
correction equipment. Designing these functions together allows steps to be taken to avoid resonance at
harmonic frequencies. Usually, combined power factor correction and filtering equipment is centralised,
allowing economy of scale due to diversity, reduction in the amount of control required and the ability to
correct to a higher level without the risk of self-exciting motors. However, as the harmonic culture of the
load changes steps must be taken to ensure that the filter remains functional.
This issue is further developed in Section 3.3.1 of this Guide.

Active conditioners
A best practice solution, but one that comes at a price. However, they are extremely flexible and adaptable
and especially useful when dealing with a changing harmonic culture. To be used selectively.

TN-S rewiring
TN-C systems, with the so-called PEN-conductor, have become the exception, where, in some countries,
they used to be the rule. In the standards committees, the PEN-conductor is now considered as a special
case. For IT-intensive buildings, TN-C is no longer allowed. From an EMC viewpoint, TN-S systems are

Neutral upsizing
Full sized neutrals are now required in most wiring codes except where it can be shown that a smaller
conductor will suffice. Where harmonics are present a fully rated neutral - capable of carrying the actual
neutral current - is required and, in some wiring codes, must be properly protected against overcurrent (see
Section 3.5.1 of this Guide).

Power quality is a complex domain, covering over a dozen problem areas, for which an even larger number
of solutions exist. At present, most energy-intensive sites suffer to a certain degree from poor power quality,
while most sites have already adopted some solutions. This is typically the purchase of a UPS, back-up
generator, adoption of true-RMS measurement and complemented with some of the other solutions, such
as meshed earthing, TN-S rewiring, active conditioners, etc.
It is unlikely that a single solution will be effective. Careful design of a solutions mix, tailored to the PQ
problems experienced, and based on a detailed understanding of the causes of the PQ problems, is needed.
The subsequent sections of the Guide aim to provide such knowledge for contractors, design engineers and
maintenance managers.

Network Partners

Copper Benelux HTW

168 Avenue de Tervueren Goebenstrasse 40
B-1150 Brussels D-66117 Saarbruecken
Belgium Germany
Tel: 00 32 2 777 7090 Tel: 00 49 681 5867 279
Fax: 00 32 2 777 7099 Fax: 00 49 681 5867 302
Email: Email:
Contact: Mr B Dôme Contact: Prof Dr W Langguth

Copper Development Association Istituto Italiano del Rame

5 Grovelands Business Centre Via Corradino d’Ascanio 4
Boundary Way I-20142 Milano
Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TE Italy
United Kingdom
Tel: 00 44 1442 275700 Tel: 00 39 02 89301330
Fax: 00 44 1442 275716 Fax: 00 39 02 89301513
Email: Email:
Webs: & Web:
Contact: Mrs A Vessey Contact: Mr V Loconsolo

Deutsches Kupferinstitut e.V KU Leuven

Am Bonneshof 5 Kasteelpark Arenberg 10
D-40474 Duesseldorf B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
Germany Belgium
Tel: 00 49 211 4796 323 Tel: 00 32 16 32 10 20
Fax: 00 49 211 4796 310 Fax: 00 32 16 32 19 85
Email: Email:
Contact: Mr S Fassbinder Contact: Prof Dr R Belmans

ECD Services Polish Copper Promotion Centre SA

Via Cardinal Maffi 21 Pl.1 Maja 1-2
I-27100 Pavia PL-50-136 Wroclaw
Italy Poland
Tel: 00 39 0382 538934 Tel: 00 48 71 78 12 502
Fax: 00 39 0382 308028 Fax: 00 48 71 78 12 504
Email: Email:
Contact: Dr A Baggini Contact: Mr P Jurasz

European Copper Institute TU Bergamo

168 Avenue de Tervueren Viale G Marconi 5
B-1150 Brussels I-24044 Dalmine (BG)
Belgium Italy
Tel: 00 32 2 777 70 70 Tel: 00 39 035 27 73 07
Fax: 00 32 2 777 70 79 Fax: 00 39 035 56 27 79
Email: Email:
Contact: Mr H De Keulenaer Contact: Prof R Colombi

Hevrox TU Wroclaw
Schoebroeckstraat 62 Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27
B-3583 Beringen PL-50-370 Wroclaw
Belgium Poland
Tel: 00 32 11 454 420 Tel: 00 48 71 32 80 192
Fax: 00 32 11 454 423 Fax: 00 48 71 32 03 596
Email: Email:
Contact: Mr I Hendrikx Contact: Prof Dr H Markiewicz
European Copper Institute
168 Avenue de Tervueren
B-1150 Brussels

Tel: 00 32 2 777 70 70
Fax: 00 32 2 777 70 79

Hans De Keulenaer

Copper Development Association

Copper Development Association European Copper Institute
5 Grovelands Business Centre 168 Avenue de Tervueren
Boundary Way B-1150 Brussels
Hemel Hempstead HP2 7TE Belgium
United Kingdom
Tel: 00 44 1442 275700 Tel: 00 32 2 777 70 70
Fax: 00 44 1442 275716 Fax: 00 32 2 777 70 79
Email: Email:
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