End SubPrivate Sub Show

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End SubPrivate Sub Show_Existing(v SQL As String)Dim vLst As ListItemlstExisti ng.ListItems.

Cle ar With

dtaDB.RecordSo urce = vSQL.RefreshWi th .RecordsetIf .BOF = True Then Exit Sub.MoveFirstW hile Not .EOFSet vLst =

lstExisting.ListIt ems.Add(, , !ID)vLst.SubIte ms(1) = !LastNamevLst.S ubItems(2) = !FirstNamevLst. SubItems(3) = !MivLst.SubItem

s(4) = !AddressvLst.Su bItems(5) = !TelNum.MoveN extWendEnd WithEnd With lblCnt = "# of Records : " & lstExisting.ListIt

ems.CountlstExis ting.RefreshlstEx isting.RefreshEn d SubPrivate Sub lstExisting_Click ()Dim vI As Integer If lstExisting.ListIt ems.Count = 0

Then Exit Sub Call Default_Obj cmd EditUpdate.Enab led = TruecmdDelete.E nabled = True vI = lstExisting.Select

edItem.IndexvID = lstExisting.Select edItem txtLastName = lstExisting.ListIt ems(vI).ListSubI tems(1)txtFirstN ame =

lstExisting.ListIt ems(vI).ListSubI tems(2)txtMI = lstExisting.ListIt ems(vI).ListSubI tems(3)txtHome Address = lstExisting.ListIt ems(vI).ListSubI

tems(4)txtTelNu m= lstExisting.ListIt ems(vI).ListSubI tems(5)End SubPrivate Sub txtSearchKey_C hange()Dim vSQL As

StringSelect Case cboSearchBy.Te xtCase "Last Name"vSQL = "SELECT * FROM DirectoryList WHERE

LastName LIKE '" & txtSearchKey& "*'"Case "First Name"vSQL = "SELECT * FROM DirectoryList WHERE

FirstName LIKE '" & txtSearchKey& "*'"Case "M.I."vSQL = "SELECT * FROM DirectoryList WHERE MI

LIKE '" & txtSearchKey & "*'"Case "Home Address"vSQL = "SELECT * FROM DirectoryList WHERE Address LIKE '"

& txtSearchKey &"*'"Case "Telephone #"vSQL = "SELECT * FROM DirectoryList WHERE TelNum LIKE '"

& txtSearchKey &"*'"End Select Call Show_Existing(v SQL)End Sub


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