Ancient Greek History

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Ancient Greek History

One of the great civilizations in the world during the 4th and 3d millennium BC was the Minoan culture of Crete. The Minoan culture is divided in three periods: old, middle and late. The old period was synchronized with the Old Kingdom of Egypt. There were connections between the two cultures through trade, and these influences can be found in the art in both Crete and Egypt. Greece consisted of many small city-states, with kings as rulers. The people were only united at certain days of the year at various cultlocations. There they worshipped the Gods and organized athletic competitions. So called rhapsodists, bards, traveled around and recited epic poems, the Iliad and Odyssey being the best known to the aftermath. Greece is a country well known all over the world for its glorious history. Democracy was born in Greece and the Ancient Greek civilization is a stepping stone for the modern western civilization. The Greek philosophy and Philosophers effected the western civilisation. In Greece where born some of the greatest philosophers of all times like Socrates ,Plato ,Aristotle ,Epicurus and many others. Drama and theatre was born here and great writers like Euripides, Aristophanes, Sophocles and Aeschylus wrote immortal plays like Electra, Iphigenia, Oedipus, Medea. During its history Greece had glorious times, during the Golden Age of Pericles of Athens, the Hellenistic times of Great Alexander and during the Byzantine times, when the Byzantine empire lived almost 1000 years, the longest lived empire ever. The ancient Greek monuments like Parthenon have effected dramatically the Architecture of the western world and many famous contemporary buildings have been build according this architectural style.

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