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Euthanasia For some years euthanasia was rejected especially for catholic church, but in the last days

in some countries, laws have been reformed, and some people have defended euthanasia as a mean to decrece human suffering, but generates a moral discussion because euthanasia can be use so wrong for doctors and some people who see euthanasia as a busines such as organ traficking and human traficking and euthanasia can be a problem, both morally, both welfare of the people. The ethics of euthanasia Euthanasia raises a number of agonising moral dilemmas:

is it ever right to end the life of a terminally ill patient who is undergoing severe pain and suffering? under what circumstances can euthanasia be justifiable, if at all? is there a moral difference between killing someone and letting them die? At the heart of these arguments are the different ideas that people have about the meaning and value of human existence. Should human beings have the right to decide on issues of life and death? There are also a number of arguments based on practical issues. Some people think that euthanasia shouldn't be allowed, even if it was morally right, because it could be abused and used as a cover for murder.

Euthanasia isnt a solution to human suffering, exist others ways to improve the quality of life, so much cheap and easy to preserve life, such as the prevention, a good feedeng and a life with low levels of stress. Then why to use euthanasia?. The answer the question is, euthanasia is a business that can move so much money and a birth control fast an benficial to hight companies of medical and drugs.

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