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Useful connectors, words and phrases Description One aspect, characteristic, quality, issue, feature, attribute, element, thing

of. Another is /a second aspect is Summary According to. The speaker states that, argues that, holds that, asserts that, claims that, expresses that Contrast In contrast to, one difference between, unlike, one distinction between, dissimilarly, one disagreement between, one inconsistency between, one point at issue is. However, nevertheless, nonetheless, despite, in spite of, yet, although, though, even though, but, in contrast to, on the other hand, unlike, whereas, while, butstill. Similarity/Addition And, also, as, as well as, together with, along with, besides, furthermore, additionally, in addition, moreover, likewise, similarly, in the same way, like, too. Reasons One reason is, the first reason, another reason, a final reason is. One reason presented by.Because, since, as. Result or consequence Therefore, thus, so, hence, consequently, in consequence. Sequence First/ly, second/ly, third/ly, next, after, afterwards, lastly, finally, then, previously, before, following. Most importantly, of least importance. Emphasis Truly, indeed, in fact, for this reason, again, just to reiterate. Conclusion All in all, lastly, as a result, in summary, therefore, finally., to sum up, to wind up. Clarification In other words, for instance, that is, just to reiterate, in summary. Reference back Such, said, given, those, these, this, that, who, which, whose, where, when, the latter, the former.

Condition If, provided that, as long as, only if, in case, unless. Inverted Conditionals: were he to come.., should you require.

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