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Students need: access to technology, access to online resources

Use technology to increase higher level thinking processes to ensure engaging learning experiences for students and teachers
Objective #1

Carol Tsang
Teachers need: access to technology, access to online resources

June 2, 2012

TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION PLAN To increase buy in and the use of technology from teachers in order to
personalize education for secondary students Action Items At a Math/Science department meeting, invite and challenge teachers to share how they have and how they can incorporate technology in enhancing their teaching practice starting as early as September 2012 encourage teachers to sign up for a Google account for ease of communication within the department Person(s) Responsible Teacher (me) to pose inquiry others within the department to voluntarily participate Timeline June 2012September 2012

Resources exemplars of web based teaching and resources that others are using within the school and within the district internet (LearnNow BC) NETS*S, NETS*T, NETS*A, UDL Principles internet (LearnNow BC) NETS*S, NETS*T, NETS*A, UDL Principles internet (LearnNow BC) NETS*S, NETS*T, NETS*A, UDL Principles

Evaluation use Poll everywhere to analyze the comfort level of teachers with using technology in the classroom and their willingness to explore the concept


Implementation of technology within the classroom

Teacher facilitator (me) other interested parties. Teacher facilitator others within the department to voluntarily participate

Autumn 2012

round table discussions in September 2012

Gather back on a Pro D day to discuss progress and implementation of ideas for some teachers

Winter 2012

create a Google form to determine the helpfulness of technology for students and parents teachers to discuss how technology has been beneficial Determine the significance of change from previous years

-Final check in with the department to discuss feedback, findings and the continuous implementation create an inquiry group to share ideas with the whole staff

Teacher (me) to pose inquiry others within the department to voluntarily participate

Spring 2012

feedback from student, parents and previous records

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