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Biodiversity: Why Conserving Wildlife Is ImportantBiodiversity and the Natural Environment

Biodiversity is the different variety of living beings within an ecosystem or in our planet. It is a measurement on the health of ecosystems. Biodiversity also take part in the function of climate. In terrestrial habitats, tropical areas are rich in species whereas polar areas support lesser species. The conservation of biodiversity is inevitable for the survival of men. Wildlife conservation is the preservation, protection, and restoration of the endangered species. Wildlife represents all the wild animals and birds living in their natural habitats. We have many rare animals, birds on earth. However, the pressure of increasing population has led to the extinction of them. How Important Is Biodiversity? Biodiversity provides basic human needs such as food, shelter, and medicine. It keeps ecosystems. It enriches the soil and purifies water. It also protects us from flood and storm. It regulates climate. It is very important. Is there any need to consider the endangered or threatened species of plants and animals at the expense of human and capital development? As it helps to provide our basic needs, we must consider the endangered or threatened species of plants and animals at the expense of human and capital development. Therefore, we must realize the importance of biodiversity and destined to protect our wild life.

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