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First of all let us say that all expressions used to filter data have string as


1. If the member type is string you must wrap the criteria value in quotation
marks like this sample : "ProductID = 'PR0001k12'"

2. If the member type is number you can write the expression like this "Maximum =

3. If the member has a name composed by two or more words that are separated by
space, in a such case, you must wrap it in brakets [ ] like this sample: "[First
Name] = 'Dihia' "

4. If the member has a name that contains one of those characters \n (newline) \t
(tab) \r (carriage return) ~ ( ) # \ / = > < + - * % & | ^ ' " [ ]

5. Those symbols are considered as special characters, so you must another once,
as the example above I mean the third remark, wrap it in brakets [ ] like this
sample: "[FirstName#] = 'Dihia' "

6. If the member name has this format xxx[ ],[ ]xxx or x[ ]xx, because the brakets
are used here as special characters, you must use a slash ‘\' to escape the
brakets as follow: "[First Name[\]] = 'Dihia' "

7. If the member type is a date, in this case, you must wrap the criteria value in
pound signs # such as "[Date of birth] = #11/04/78# ", the month at first, the day
at second and the year at third position.

8. You can combine more than one criteria at once by using AND,OR and NOT key
words for example "(Maximum = 50 OR Minimum = 20) AND Weight = 30"

9. You can use operators like =,<,>,<=,>=,IN,LIKE for example: "(Maximum = 50 OR

Minimum > 20) AND [Product Name] LIKE 'Moster' "

10. The arithmetic operators + - * / % can also be used as follow: "[Reduced

Price] =[Original Price] * 1.2 "

11. You can use agregate too, like

Sum:Sum,Max:Maximum,Min:Minimum,Avg:Average,Var:Variance ,StDev:Standard deviation
as follow "[Estimated Price] = (Price – Avg(Price))/StDev(Price)" if, of Corse,
the statistic variable Price follows a stochastic process related to the normal
standard Gauss' law.

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