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tat] Uae mene Linear PD Ua RECTIFICATION RADIATION DETECTION ELECTRO-MEDICAL USE eV SPECIAL PURPOSES ° AMPEREX ELECTRONIC CORPORATION © 230 DUFFY AVE, © HICKSVILLE, LI, N.Y. FOREWORD This condensed catalog has been compiled for those in the en- gineering field who seek the proper tubes to suit their applications. It is also intended to serve as a quick reference tube guide for initial equipment as well as for replacement purposes. More detailed data sheets and brochures on the various products listed herein are available upon request. A detailed engineering transmitting, and power tube manual giving complete tube charac- teristics and application data is available to qualified engineers at the nominal cost of $2.50 each. A semiconductor and special purpose tube manual is also available at $2.50 each. AMPEREX is always interested in quoting on all tube requirements. Our research, development and manufacturing facilities are such thet we welcome inquiries on new products. ‘AMPEREX ELECTRONIC CORPORATION Description Germonium Diodes High Fidelity Tubes Ignitrons Indicator Tubes Klystrone Mognetrons Power Tubes, Triodes, Tetrodes & Pentodes Premium Quality 10,000 Hour Tubes Radiation Counter Tubes Rectifiers (Tube) Diodes Rugged 1d Miniature Tubes—ARIN.C. Types Subminiature Tubes Thyratrons—Hydrogen Thyratrons—Mercury Vapor and Inert Gos—1 Transistors Tube Accessories UHF Triodes and Special Purpose Tubes Vacuum Capacitors Voltage Reference and Regulator Tubes Page 2 1” 24 6 “4 2th 7 2 20 10 10 “4 24 26 16 18

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