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A. Definitions Pulmonary tuberculosis is a lung infection that attacks the lung parenchymaltissue caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.1

B. Etiology Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by the TB bacillus(Mycobacteriumtuberculosis humanist).2

M.tuberculosis including Familie Mycobacteriacea which have a range of the genus, one of which is a Mycobacterium, in which one species is M.tuberculosis. 2 M.tuberculosis the most dangerous for humans is the humanist type (typebovinus possibility of infection can now be ignored, so that more farmhiegien enhanced). 2 TB bacilli have lipoid cell wall so that acid resistant, this trait used byRobert Koch to color in particular. Therefore, this germ is also calledacid-fast bacteria (AFB). 2 Because in fact in general acid-resistant Mycobacterium, theoreticallysmear is not necessarily identical with the TB bacillus. But because undernormal circumstances lung disease caused by Mycobacterium (M.atipik) other rarely found in the practice of smear is considered synonymous withthe TB bacillus. 2

If for other bacteria only take a few minutes to 20 minutes for mitosis, theTB bacilli requires 12-24 hours. 2 TB bacilli are very vulnerable to sunlight, so that within a few minutes todie. It turned out that this resistance mainly against ultraviolet lightwaves. TB bacilli are also prone to heat-base, so in 2 minutes TB bacilliresiding in an alkaline environment will die when exposed to watertemperature of 100 C. TB bacilli will also be killed within minutes whenexposed to alcohol lisol 70% or 5%.


1. Association of Indonesian medical specialist in internal medicine. Manual of Medical Services. New York: Publishing Center Department of Medicine Facultyof medicine. 2006. Page: 109 2. Danusantoso, H.Lung Pathology.London: Hippocrates. 2000. Page: 97. 3. Bahar, A.Textbook of Medicine, Volume II.London: Institute for MedicalFaculty University of Indonesia Publishers. 1998. This :715-719. 4. Capita Selekta. Pulmonology. Volume 1, ed 3. New York: MediaAesculapius FKUI. 2000. Page: 472. 5. Doctor Lung Association of Central Board of Indonesia. Stardard International

Tuberculosis Treatment. Jakarta: Indonesian Society of Respirology,ed 2. 2009. Page: 13

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