HND Test

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A method of testing the performance of a machine is 90 percent effective, that is, the probability that a defective machine fails the test is 0.9. Three machines are to be tested. Assuring the failure of each defective machine is independent of the other tests. Let the random variable Y be the number of defective machines that fail the test. Calculate the variance of Y. b. The pressure (measured in pounds per cm2) at a certain valve is a random variable X whose probability density function is ( ) ( ) { (i) Find the probability that the pressure at this valve is not more than 2 pounds per cm 2. (ii) Greater than 2 pounds per cm2; (iii) Between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds per cm2 (iv) Less than 1.5 pounds per cm2

(2)a. The Mean of Binomial distribution is 3 and the variance is ) (iii) ( ) Find (i) The value of n (ii) ( b. A random variable has a normal distribution with standard deviation 10. If the probability is 0.8212 that it will take on a value less than 82.5, what is the probability that it will take on a value greater than 58.3?

1. Let the continuous random variable X denotes the current measured in a thin copper wire in milliamperes. Assume that the range of X is [0, 20 mA], and assume that the probability density function of X is f(x) = 0.05 for 0x20. (a) What is the probability that a current measurement is less than 10 milliamperes? (b) The cumulative distribution function of the random variable X consists of three expressions. State the expressions (c) Find the mean and variance of x (d) X is the current measured in milliamperes. What is the expected value of the squared current? 2. An important system acts in support of a vehicle in our space program. A single crucial component works only 85% of the time. In order to enhance the reliability of the system, it is decided that 3 components will be installed in parallel such that the system fails only if they all fail. Assume the components act independently and that they are equivalent in the sense that all 3 of them have an 85% success rate. Consider the random variable X as the number of components out of 3 that fail. (a) Write out a probability function for the random variable X. (b) What is E(X) (i.e., the mean number of components out of 3 that fail)?

(c) What is Var(X)? (d) What is the probability that the entire system is successful? (e) What is the probability that the system fails? (f) If the desire is to have the system be successful with probability 0.99, are three components sufficient? If not, how many are required?

3. Steel used for water pipelines is sometimes coated on the inside with cement mortar to prevent
corrosion. In a study of the mortar coatings of a pipeline used in a water transmission project, the mortar thicknesses were measured for a verylarge number of specimens. The mean and the standard deviation were found to be 0.62 inch and 0.13 inch, respectively, and the thickness was found to be normally distributed. a) In what percentage of the pipelines is the thickness of mortar less than 0.5 inch? b) If four pipes are selected at random, what is the probability that two or more have mortar thickness less than 0.5 inch? c) 100 pipes are taken and their mortar thicknesses are measured individually. If the mortar thickness of a pipe is found to be less than 0.5 inch, 10% less is paid to the manufacturer for that pipe. If the normal price of a pipe is S125.00, what is the expected cost of 100 pipes?

5. A safety engineer claims that only 40% of all workers wear safety helmets when they eat lunch at the workplace. Assuming that his claim is right, find the probability that 4 of 6 workers randomly chosen will be wearing their helmets while having lunch at the workplace.

1.Diameters of bolts produced by a particular machine are normally distributed with mean 0.760 cm and standard deviation 0.012 cm. Specifications call for diameters from 0.720 cm to 0.780 cm. (a) What percentage of bolts will meet these specifications? (b) What percentage of bolts will be smaller than 0.730 cm?

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