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BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD by Right Rev. Donald C. Barrie, M.R.E.,D.D.,Th.D. VITAM IMPENDERE VERO THE INTIMATE EXPERIENCES OF AN ADVANCED ADEPT WHO REVEALS THAT THERE ARE SOME WHO NEED NOT DIE, TELLS IN DETAIL THE SIMPLE TECHNIQUE USED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. "Yerily I say unto you, that there shall be some of them that stand here which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the king- dom of God come with power" Hark 9:1 ¢ THIS BIBLE IS DEVOTED TO FACTUAL TRUTH, AN- SWERS ALL QUESTIONS OF LIFE, DEATH,AND AFTER- | LIFE, PROVES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD, EVERYONE'S | RELATIONSHIP TO THE DIVINE BEING, HOW TO USE THE IMMENSE POWERS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE NOW, A PRACTICAL "How to do it," PROVE IT RIGHT NOW OR LEAVE IT APPROACH TO THE MYSTERIES WHICH HAVE CONFOUNDED MAN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. A SIMPLE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO TOTAL FULFILLMENT. Right Reveremi Donald C. Barrie, M.R.E.,D.D.,Th.D. BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD TABLE OF CONTENTS by Right Rev, Donald C. Barrie, M.R,E,,D,D.,Th.D, Chapter Page (Author of PHOERE AND THE MACFAIRLIE MYSTERY pub- “ 5 lished by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, Inc, N.Y.C., 1963) PYefAC€ secceeeerereseeneesseetererseeeeee The Hidden Half ssseseccscesseeeevcceseorres Copyright © Donald C Barri I opulent © Donald Conway Barrie 1971-1972 Factual Proof That God ExistS .ss+sseeeeeres All rights reserved. No part of this book may be What Life is, What the Spirit Is, What reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any sth Is, plus the question Do We Have means, electronic or mechanical, including pho- Faith Is, plus the questio tocopying, recording or by any information stor- Any Reason To Fear God? ....eeeeseeeeeeee age and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. he right of transla- What Death Is tion into foreign languages is strictly reserved Public readings of any part are forbidden with- out written permission from the author. Protect- ed under the copyright laws of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, includin the . Dominion of Canada, and all other countries of t What The Poltergeist Is and The Source the Universal Copyright Conventions. Of Its Power weve ssveecsceceereeeneesseens (ISBN 0-913090-01-8) Manufactured in the United States of America Library of Congress Catalog Card No, 75-152369 Efficacious Prayer .iceeerereeccseeetecereeee Distributed by CHEMUNG BOOKS Box 3081, Elmira, N.Y. 14905 Calling The Dead, including A Note Of WANING cece cece cere tere cece eee eeeteeene What A Ghost Is, including What The Soulls . . How to Exorcise GhostS se. ceee cess eee eeeees First Printing March 1971 The Present Uselessness Of ESP ....seeseeee Second Printing November 1971 Third Printing 1972 About UFO'S seceseeeeeeeees es seneereteeeee Some ESP Experiences sessseseeseesnerevens An Experience After 1 Died sevseeeecseresees

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