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Polygamy should be legalized.

Up to what extent does society need to dictate our lifestyle? What are the bases of labelling something as legal or illegal? My name is Anthony Von Ludwig A. Dimson and I am going to talk about the validity of having a polygamous affair. Clearly defined, Polygamy is the state or practice of having two or more mates at the same time; this includes both Polygyny which is the union of one man with more than one woman and Polyandry the union of one woman with more than one man. Until now, the practice is still considered taboo and not the norm of the society. But what the majority fail to see are the good effects of having a polygamous affair. First, the practice of polygamy enhances the stability of the family budget and consequently reduces the dependency on the state in event of sudden unemployment. Second, polygamy reduces the desire for adultery by providing alternatives for sexual exploration within the family unit. Cases of child molestation and rape will also be lessened. Third, problems that commonly occur in a monogamous relationship like divorce and annulment are avoided such that people who are already married and proven themselves as responsible partners and providers can opt to marry again. That means a person in search of a mate can choose someone who is well-established and respectable and not just settle with those who are left overs. One big misconception about polygamy is that it is against the doctrines of religions across the globe. That is absolutely untrue since polygamy is practised by different personas in the Bible. King Solomon is said to have 700 concubines. Joseph, the dreamer, was also wed to four women. In Judaism, Gods prophets lived a polygamous relationship during their existence. Similarly, in Islam, the Koran tells us that after the battle of Uhud many widows were left, who were married to already married men. In Africa, polygamy is a tool for survival. Thus, how can we conclude that polygamy is illegal when it was normally practised centuries before we are even born? During the past few decades, many actions were taken against polygamy. And the cause is bad media. In Utah, people who practise polygamy were considered felons and were sentenced to death, however, many faith-based groups clamoured in contradiction of the said legislature as it was both dehumanizing and brutal. Soon it was abolished though the practise of polygamy is still considered illegal. At the light of this premise, it is imperative that the law ought to know its boundaries on its subjects--no more, no less. People must be given the choice of what kind of life they want to have. There is nothing wrong if a person wants to have as many spouses he can as long as each parties give their consent. Polygamy is not wrong as many perceive it to be. Bad publicity and the media planted such fallacies about this topic and they planted it deep enough our society wont give it a chance. Freedom of choice is endowed upon us. Why suppress it, when nothings erroneous in using it? Many human endeavours have been achieved not by close-mindedness but by radical thinking and searching for other ways to benefit mankind. To end this speech, remember that three isnt a crowd.

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