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Rose City 1st Ward Young Womens Camp Participation Contract

1. I will follow the rules and standards set forth in the Strength of Youth pamphlet. I will wear only one pair of earrings. I will not swear or use any words that are hurtful to others. I will not bring or use tobacco, alcohol, or drugs 2. I will wear modest clothing. Modest bathing suits, or shorts to the knee and a dark t-shirt may be worn for swimming. (No showing of cleavage, bellies, backs, or sides) All shorts must be to the knee. Slippers may be worn around camp only. On hikes hiking shoes or tennis shoes must be worn. 3. I will respect the property of others. I will no take or touch the property of others without their permission. 4. I will respect camp property and leave it better than I found it. All garbage will be put in garbage containers. 5. I will use the buddy system at ALL times. I will be where I am supposed to be. I will not wander from camp. I will inform my group leader where I am going. 6. I will leave ALL electronics at home with the exception of a camera. This includes all cell phones, ipods, MP3 players, radios, all electronics 7. All medication including prescriptions will be given to the camp nurse and will be dispensed by her. 8. I will follow the directions of ALL camp leaders including the junior counselors. I will participate in ALL camp activities and perform ALL assignments given to me. I will communicate respectfully to my leaders and fellow young women. I will not participate in any kind of pranks. 9. I will respect the quiet hours rule of the camp. Quiet hours begin at 10 p.m.

I understand that camp was created 100 years ago by church leaders so that I can have a place where I can be set apart from the world to feel the Spirit, build my testimony, learn skills, build friendships, serve others, appreciate Gods creations, draw closer to my Heavenly Father and have fun. I have read what is expected of me. I understand these expectations and by signing below I commit to meeting these expectations so that this camp experience is enjoyable for me as well as my fellow youn women,

YWs Name_____________________________ Signature__________________________________ As _________________________s parent I have read these expectations and reviewed them with my daughter. Parents Name_____________________________ Signature__________________________________

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