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Illinois State University Curriculum & Instruction C&I 438 Distance Learning Course Design Part 2 Unit Tasks

s & Tools Now that you have written your course description and objectives it is time to begin choosing tasks and the tools that students will be use in the unit you are creating. Take a look at the Online Learning Activities presentation and pay close attention types of activities that can be effectively designed for your course. Next, take another look at the Course Elements document and match your choices of tasks and tools with what is required. Use a table (shown in the example below) to fill in your specific tasks and the tools you will use.

Topic Teams

Tool GoogleDocs

Task Teams will collaborate to define the term objectives Students will take the online quiz and let the instructor know their score Students will participate in asynchronous discussion initial response and then two responses to peer postings




Discussion Board

What to Hand In Use GoogleDocs or Zoho Write to create the Unit Tasks and Tools table. Provide the link in your Student Portfolio.

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