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Information and Communication Technology Literacy

The Scope of ICTL

Four domains : Computer Lab Management Computer Hardware Computer Software Networks and The Internet

Objectives of ICTL
At the end of this programme, pupils should be able to : Acquire and apply ICT knowledge and skill creatively to assist in their daily life. Share ideas and information within and beyond the school environment Demonstrate responsibility towards ICT infrastructure and its used

The Programme Content of ICTL :

This programme emphasizes the integration of :
Knowlwdge Skills Values ( responsibility, accountability, respect, cooperation, virtue, and abide by ICT code of ethics )

Computer Lab Rules

Rules and Regulations for Computer Lab Users

Pupils are prohibited to enter the lab unless authorised by the teacher Report all problems related to the system to the teacher Do not attempt to repair or tamper with lab equipment Do not move any equipment from its original position

Rules and Regulations for Computer Lab Users

Scan diskettes before using them Do not change the settings in the computer Do not bring in bags, food and drink into the lab. Be responsible when using equipment, software and facilities in the lab Save all work in the external storage and not in the computer

Rules and Regulations for Computer Lab Users

Turn off the computer accordingly after use Turn off the AVR before leaving the lab All users should record the use of computer lab in the computer log book The lab should be kept clean and tidy at all times

ICT Organisation Chart

ICT Coordinator

Curriculum Committee

Management and Maintenance Committee

Special Duties

Hardware Maintenance Committee

Software Meaintenance Committee

Cleanliness, Safety, Beautification Committe

ICT Coordinator
Curriculum Committee
Management and Maintenance Committee
Special Duties

Hardware Maintenance Committee Software Maintenance Committee Cleanliness, Safety, Beautification Committe

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