(Architecture Ebook) Mies Van Der Rohe - Villa Tugendhat

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Vila Tugenchat Archifeld vily - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (spoluprdce Lilly Reichova, Sergius Ruagenberg, Hermann John) Architeld zahrady — Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Gpoluprace Grete Millerové-Rederova) Vila - zastavéné plocha 1211m chiavni obyina G spoleGenska prostora 223m") Zahrada - wméra 6152m" Villa Tugenhat Designed by ~ Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (in cooperation with Lily Reich, Sergius Ruegenberg ‘and Hermann John) Gaiden Planner - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (in cooperation with Grete Muller Roder) The vill’s total area = 1.211sqm (the main living space and pariour cover 223 sqm.) The garden extends to 6,162 sqm. Jen nemnoho pamétek moderni architektury si mide byt tak jisto swym daisim osuciem, jako bmeénska vila Tugendhat. Ochranu pied nevhodnymi zasahy, vywvolanymi zeiména pilpadnym nepliméfenjm wyuaitim, ji skjia statut nérod! kutlurni pamdtky, umeenény v souasné dobé zopsénim do Seznamu svétovéhe kulturnino a prrodnino dédictvi UNESCO, Nemeni jsiotu jf poskytuje trvale rostouci zojem Jok veFejnosti, tak Geskych @ zahraniénich odbomniit, v prvé Fadé historikG umant, architektisi pracovniktl pamatkove péte, a oviem i péce téch, kdo ji spravuil - Muzea mésta Brn, centidinich & mistnich pamatkow/ch institut i viastnvka stavby - statutdinine mésta 8ma. Na jejich pis, nejadnou 2a Géasti zahranignich specialistd, byla jiz zvGzena koncepce generdini pamdtkové restituce wily s ddrazam 7a Jeif renabitavani jak v piivednim wanamu stavby, tok Varchitektuie, interiérach, moblliGfi a detallech (obdebné Jako Millerova vila v Proze od Adolfa Loose). Budouet vyu2it wily posta s dopinénim autentickych interlérts © wslavu z historie domu v konfextu avantgarcini architektury wv Ceské tepublice o 0 vyudovani badatelsko - informaéniho entra. Vile Tugendhat bude moci tak nejlépe napinit své posiGnt jako fala modem’ architeltury nejen pio odbainiky, Gle | pra veiejnost ceigho sveta Few monuments of modem architecture can be as much sure of their fate as the villa Tugendhat in Brno. Is satus 8 4 national cultural herilage, now reinforced by Its listing among the UNESCO Word Cultural and Natural Heritage. will protect the vila against inappropriate cecupancy and consequent undesitable aterations. No less protection Is assured by the ever rising interest of both the public 5 well as Czech and foreign specialists, fisty historians of aft, architects and staf of the Office for the Preservation of Monuments, then of course the dedication of those who ensure its administration - the Bmo City Museum, central and local conservation institutions os well as the owner of the building - the Stotutory Town of me. Frequent iscussions have taken piace. foreign speciaiiss included, concerning the cverall conservation of the vil in perlicutor its restitution, both in the original construction and also architecture, interior, furniture and detail (similar fo the Maller villa in Prague designed by Adolph Loos). The intention for the future is for the Villa, with its authentic interior, fo complement on exhibition on its history in the context of avant-garde architecture in the Czech Republic, ‘and for the development of 9 research and information centre. Villa Tugendht will then be able to fulfil the role of Gschool of modern architecture not only for experts but iso for the general public fram all over the world,

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