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Grade 7 Reflection


How well did you understand the method of using the Yin yan symbols to explain how to find the solutions to the problems?

How well did you understand the method of using a number line to explain how to find solutions to the problems?

How do the rules you found make sense to you?

How were you able to check if your solutions to the problems were correct?

Can you think of any real-life situations where the rules you found would be useful?

If you could go back and change anything about how you did this task, what would you change if anything?

Criterion D reflection in mathematics

Level Descriptor 0
You failed to submit any work or your work does not reach any of the standards described below.

You tried to explain how well you understood the two methods to show how to find the solutions to the problems? You tried to explain how the rules you found made sense to you?

You tried to explain how well you understood the two methods to show how to find the solutions to the problems? You tried to explain how the rules you found made sense to you? You tried to explain how you were able to check if your solutions to the problems were correct?

You briefly explained how well you understood the two methods to show how to find the solutions to the problems? You briefly explained how the rules you found made sense to you? You briefly explained how you were able to check if your solutions to the problems were correct? You tried to give an example of a real-life situation where the rules you found could be useful?

You explained in some detail how well you understood the two methods to show how to find the solutions to the problems? You explained in some detail how the rules you found made sense to you? You explained in some detail how you were able to check if your solutions to the problems were correct? You gave at least one example of a real-life situation where the rules you found could be useful? You wrote about changes to how you could have done the task which would have made it better.

Self assessment use the rubric above to assess your work

I think my grade will be

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