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Liani Mesisotya M (092120167)

M. Rizal Alayon (092120176)
Okte Kurniasih (092120196)
Design: non-experimental
Data: qualitative
Analysis: interpretive
Paradigm 1
The objectives of the study
Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Mastery by using
hypnoteaching method to the fifth grade students of
ngupasan state elementay school in the academic year 2010 /
by : Rizka Sungko Respati

Design: experimental
Data: quantitative
Analysis: statistical
The objectives of the study

The goal off the study is to know wheter hypnoteaching method cna
increase the students’ vicabulary matery of the fifth grade stydents of
Ngupasan state elementary School or not.
The effectiveness of using word cards to teach W- H
Question in the second Grade Students of SMK PN
Purworejo in the Academic year of 2010/ 2011
by Agus Eko susanto

Design: experimental
Data : Quantitative
Analysis: statistical
The Objectives of The Study

This research i s crimed to know whether word

cards is effective or not to teach W-H question
in the second grade students of SMK PN
Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2010 / 2011
( an analysis of noun midifiersin short story enttled a worn part written by eudora welty )
by puji annas abror

Data collecting method

• The researcher collects the data he needs from
the short story. The data collected are the noun
phrases that will be used in the analysis. They are
noun modifiers within the noun phrases of the
short story.
it is done through library research. Here, the
procedures of data collection ht takes:
a) Find the noun phrases in the short story.
b) Make classification of noun phrases according to
the tipe of modifier.
Data analyzing method

• After the data are collected, they will be

analyzed using the following steps:
1. The research investigates the pattern of noun
phrase in this short story.
Than he describes the parts of noun phrase,
next, he puts in the table of noun phrase below :
Determiner Pre modifier Head noun Post modifier

Source : Geoffrey and jan Svartvik (2002 : 331 )

2. He rechecked and made sure all data were
organized properly.
3. He analyzed and interpreted the data
4. He drew conclusions based on the data

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